Sunday 30 December 2012

23-24 weeks

Good response on facebook for this one...

Friday 28 December 2012

Wednesday 12 December 2012


10.30 am and just had my lunch. Still hungry though. Suppose it's too early for dinner..?

Yet this hunger is nothing compared to the first 14 weeks, as have mentioned. Where is the hunger coming from? And what are we craving?

Mainly: pasta, bread, corn, rich tomato casseroles on mash... and apples.

Had really strange dream last night that I was drinking whipped up raw eggs, this was referred to as eggnog. Clearly I have no idea how to make eggnog, there has to be more to it than raw eggs. Anyway - point was I didn't know it was raw eggs. Then woke up in panic for having done something to harm the baby. (If you didn't know, raw eggs are to be avoided in pregnancy)

Guess am feeling anxious about the holidays - we are going to a couple of parties and staying with friends and family - which means a lot of other peoples cooking. Watch out Beanie!

Saturday 8 December 2012

Week 20

... and feeling good.

Going to my yoga where we discuss possible acrobatic birthing positions - assuming of course one does not opt for an epidural. Do not think epidural is the done thing amongst Byron mothers...
Am undecided. Before turning life around and becoming a bit of a hippy - my dream-birth involved a team of doctors, a drip, and some abdominal surgery. Now... Would like for it to be natural. But also know self, and know I cope extremely badly with pain. Anyway is too early to start thinking about that...

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wardrobe Tidy

Clothes that no longer fit:

Clothes that do:

Tuesday 27 November 2012


Yeah. Just to the right of the gate.

Best friends.

My only job: paint the beehives! And watch other people work...

Wednesday 21 November 2012


Many months ago hubby planted some garlic. Supposed to be really easy to grow (heard that one before).

Anyway, time of harvest has arrived. Behold:

Here is our garlic in comparison with garlic from farmers markets:

Cute little thing.

Monday 19 November 2012

Harvest Festival, Brisbane

Maximum street-cred with Wacken poncho.

Evacuated for a brief storm just after dark - view from the hotelroom. Then back to festival - weather was actually good most of the day. Rain was warm, had some sun - and no wind at all.

Highlights; Mondo Cane, Cake, Beck.

What's the deal with Sigur Ros..? Bit too pretentious for me... Made some hilarious comments to hubby during their set (strangely he didn't find them funny). What's not funny about naming a song "the mosquito" if the singing solo goes for 5 minutes like this "zzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee"? (very hard to illustrate mozzie-sound in writing, but you know)

Friday 16 November 2012

Vegan Icecream

Found recipe on Boels blogg: Vegan Glass.

Vegan Icecream.

Decided had to try it. Kind of doubled the recipe though. Actually kind of quadrupled it... (pregnant = hungry, etcetera)

Used one can of coconut cream, three large bananas, 4-5 tablespoons of cocoa powder and one passionfruit (could have easily used two though!). Mixed together with mixing stick and froze for a few hours - and... delicious...

Tuesday 13 November 2012

Monday 12 November 2012

Vegan Breakfast & Cake

How cool was my second lunch yesterday..? We call this "Vegan Big Breakfast":

Also, at long last, started to experiment with vegan baking...


2 cups plain flour
1/2 cup cocoa powder
1 cup sugar (I used rapadura sugar)
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk (I used oat milk, not sure how other types would work)
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 teaspoons vanilla sugar (if you don't have this, use vanilla essence but this gives it a slightly artificial taste)
Chocolate chunks

Mix flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking soda, baking powder,salt and vanilla. In a medium bowl, whisk together milk and oil.

Add the wet ingredients and the chocolate chunks.

Bake for 30-40 minutes depending on oven, on approximately 175 degrees Celsius.

Let cake rest in form until cooled off slightly, otherwise will fall apart like mine did...

Friday 9 November 2012

The Tragic Death of a Wallaby

A wallaby is a smaller more discreet version of a kangaroo.

Anyway, this morning I headed out on to the deck to throw feed into the fish-pond. Was in usual trance /zen-like state of existence and noticed nothing out of the ordinary. One minute later hubby goes out on deck, sees pond through peripheral vision and yells "How the hell did you miss that?!" in agitated tone.

"Miss what?" I ask suspiciously picturing gigantic venomous snake hanging from rooftop or something like that.

"The dead wallaby in the pond!" yells hubby.

Cannot believe it. This makes it to my top 10 of things I have missed due to not being very observant.

We are crushed. How could this happen? Stupid, stupid pond. Want to get rid of it. Did not build it, previous owner did. What a ridiculous idea. Stupid pond.

I say to hubby "Unfortunately I can't help you. Pregnant women are not supposed to handle dead animals."

Sure have read it somewhere.

Thursday 8 November 2012

Hippy Yoga

Hubby would like to clarify that he never laughed and said "no" when asked if I looked ok. And if he did do that - which he didn't do - then he meant it as a joke. Besides, he probably wasn't listening to me.

See baby, am fair to you on blog.

Pregnancy yoga today. Totally different from Bikram. No similarities at all. This is more about introducing oneself, connecting with baby for a little while, focusing on breathing and doing some light stretching. Last week a woman was there whose due date it was. She got to lie down on a rug in middle of room and we all got to give her a massage. Felt a bit hippy-ish - but she was not there today so guess it worked.

Worrying statement made by yoga-teacher: "Your jaw is strongly connected with your pelvis. Through opening your mouth wide, your pelvis can open - and you may deliver your baby."

As avid reader of this blog you may know about my deformed jaw-bones. Cannot open mouth very widely at all, and not for long periods of time. In fact, thus far in pregnancy - concern about my jaw has been my biggest fear in relation to giving birth.
I mean, the rest of it I just haven't thought about.
But if my jaw locks, I will panic. No two ways about it, they will have to put me under.

So tentative plan had been to get a little plastic biting-ring, such as babies use when teething, to bite down hard on so as to prevent opening mouth at all during delivery.
But if what yoga-teacher says is true, then this plan has some serious flaws... shit... who can I speak to who is an expert on deformed jaws as well as childbirth?

Monday 5 November 2012

Beautiful Hair and Glowing Skin

Part 2.

Genuinely thought this might happen. What's a little nausea and a bit of weight-gain in view of thick hair and beautiful skin..?

But no.

Hair looks like always.

Skin is terrible. Feel like am 14 again. Bad skin has appeared in sections of face where even teenage-Anna could boast smooth flawless skin. The glow, possibly, is simply lost underneath all this mess?

Hubby is enjoying having a "fat" wife. After having a skinny vegan one for so long perhaps? Put on an outfit yesterday and hopefully enquired "Does this look OK?" Hubby laughed wholeheartedly and said simply "No."

He did later say I look amazing. Amaaaazing. Yeah.

Actually want to add... none of this matters one bit. Am happy to put up with whatever as long as it means Beanie is OK. Beanie is our working title for the future baby, named so around week 6 when size of a bean. Is just a bit of fun to keep track of the joys of the journey...

Saturday 3 November 2012


Common pregnancy symptoms that do not apply to me, part 1.


Many pregnant women will let you know how tired pregnancy makes you - especially first part. Whilst I find this to be true - have never been so exhausted - for most women this is followed by an ability to sleep anytime, anywhere.

Me? No way. That would be too easy.

Last night was fifth night in a row sans any sleep at all. Actually last night was shaping up to be OK, had fallen asleep and been asleep for all of - maybe - half an hour, when hubby saw fit to wake me up to say goodnight.

No sleep for Anna after that.

Why Sleep, why? What have I ever done to you?

Is difficult to be active, outgoing, clever and gorgeous when brain is chanting "sleep sleep sleep" on repeat...

Friday 2 November 2012

Mommy Blogger?

Have not written a lot here lately. Why the silence?

Well, the cat is now out of the bag. The blog will, much like outdoor furniture, get a fresh start. A new life. Was thinking of becoming - not only brilliant and witty Swedish expat blogger; but also Australia's new Mommy Blogger.

That's right. Am knocked up.

Expecting new addition in April next year.

Regarding early pregnancy; the closest comparison I can make is really - it's a bit like being hungover. You know; feeling tired, feeling like you might throw up at any second, yet feeling strangely hungry and able to consume family sized pizza with extra cheese on own.

Food cravings definitely exist, mine are varied. In the beginning it was strawberry-frenzy, then cucumber-madness - now mango, apples, corn and bread with cheese are very popular. Hubby is holding up the vegan end. Am sorry. YOU try being pregnant and vegan at the same time, then we'll talk.

Sunday 21 October 2012

Old Outdoor Furniture - New Lease on Life

House came with set of old outdoor furniture.

Was not left there due to kind heart of previous owner, explanation was probably simpler than that. Once put together, would be totally and utterly impossible to move off deck. (She still made us pay for it. We had yet to realise it would have been left there either way.)

One of the little quirks of this house. Is architectural nightmare. Remember when bed got delivered and had to hoist it up via balcony? Yes.

A very dear friend is an architect. She came to visit, and emitted plenty of "hmmm" and "oooohhh" sounds throughout visit (there might even have been an "interestiiiing"); followed by card saying something like "congratz on new home, it has lots of added value potential!"

Anyway, as usual, I digress.

The outdoor furniture.

Clean up:


Beautiful Chocolate Finish!

Must admit this was always my project. Though, as you can see, in the end Hubby did all the work. Figured, why do something your husband might as well do? So had to put up with a bit of complaining, but totally worth it.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Dear Blog

I have not forgotten you.

I have simply been otherwise engaged.

Am currently thinking about what I want this blog to be and where I want it to go. Have been writing something else and this has taken up a lot of time. But I do want to continue this as well.

Just need phone with camera; and some inspiration.

To be continued.

Thursday 27 September 2012


This little headline in local paper today... Laughing In My Face.

NOOOOOOO! It's all a lie!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Garden Update

So... a quick garden update.

Everything goes to seed before you can harvest it, herbs just die and a bunch of green worms just ate our broccoli.

In summary: Don't bother. They sell veggies at the farmers markets...


Maybe it is me. Just do not have ability to grow things.

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Hem Ljuva Hem

Åh vad jag uppskattar mitt hem när jag varit borta ett tag.

Nu har vi ju inte direkt varit bortresta; utan snarare vistast 20 minuter hemifrån i någon annans hus - i sällskap av två hundar oförmögna till att vara ensamma mera än ett par timmar, om ens det...

Kan i hövlighetens och den svenska konflikträdslans namn under inga omtändligheter skriva detta inlägget på engelska. Jag menar, tänk om hundarnas matte skulle få syn på det och inse att jag inte längre älskar hennes håriga bebisar, utan tvärtom känt mig redo att vrida nacken av dem under ett par dagars tid. Minst.

Saken är nämligen denna. Ägaren kommer inte hem förrän på fredag. Idag är det om jag inte missminner mig - tisdag.

Jag har egensinningt och, lite bitchigt skulle man kunna säga, lämnat maken därhän i Bangalow - utan dator och utan bil. Om man inte räknar "hundbilen" då förstås - en skitgammal och på alla vis livsfarlig biljävel som låter som om den ska falla ihop vid nästa vindpust eller rentav explodera (jag underhåller dessa tankar varje gång jag klamrar mig fast vid det icke fungerande bältet, blundar och hoppas att vi ska komma fram till stranden utan större katastrofer - så de håriga bebisarna ska få sin promenad).

Ok, jag erkänner. Jag fick nog. Återigen tvingas jag inse att Mor Min hade rätt. Mamma har alltid hatat hundar (dock gör hon ibland undantag för andras hundar vilka hon kan hälsa på ibland men vilka aldrig skulle få för sig att komma och bo hos henne under längre tidperioder). Hon har alltid sagt att hundar är mycket dumma djur som behöver konstant uppmärksamhet och passning. Så fort man ska åka till Ullared (typ) så måste någon passa hundfan. För att inte tala om att åka på semester... Men inte nog med det. De luktar illa också. Och hårar.

Själv tyckte jag alltid att mamma hade fel, så klart, hon var ju inte klok och trodde att man måste dammsuga trappen en gång i veckan (också här jag fått erkänna att jag haft fel).

Jag tyckte - men hundar som är så myyyyysiga. Det gör väl inget med lite hår..!

Efter två veckor med två hundar kan jag konstatera att följande gör mig fullständigt galen:
- Hundhår på alla kläder (går ej att borsta bort)
- Hundhår i vattenglaset
- Hundhår på gaffeln när man sitter och äter
- Hundhår på huvudkudden
- Hundhår på min tandborste
- Hundhår på min kontaktlins när jag skulle sätta in den imorse

Det sistnämnda blev lite av, ni vet, droppen som fick bägaren att rinna över.

Maken, som är lite rädd för mig ibland, sa skrajt - nej, nu är det du som flyttar hem. Du orkar inte detta längre. Jag kommer hem ikväll och äter middag.

Som om inte ovanstående gnäll vore nog så finns det mera. Jo, det är sant. Kan det vara så att jag tappat greppet fullständigt och helt enkelt borde ha mera tålamåd och, herregud, jag som är vegetarian älskar väl djur?

Jo tack.
Dock ej djur som står och skäller varje gång man dristat sig till en 5-minuters promenad för att försöka få mottagning på mobilen. Eller djur som skäller när man varit snäll och med risk för eget liv kört dem till stranden. Sedan kastar man en boll. Ni vet, man kastar en boll åt en hund - hunden springer efter bollen, hunden tar tillbaka bollen och ger bollen till en så att man kan kasta den igen.

Dock ej dessa hundar.

Man kastar bollen. So far so good. Sedan händer något utan följande alternativ:
- En annan hund, som är mycket snabbare och altertare än de håriga bebisarna, tar bollen istället och sticker all världens väg med den (de håriga bebisarna är extremt konflikträdda och ger genast upp sin boll utan strid)
- De får syn på en annan hund / en handduk / en joggare / en död fisk och blir genast så distraherade att de glömmer allt vad bollar heter
- De skiter helt sonika i att springa efter bollen, så man får gå och hämta den själv - gärna i knähögt vatten
- De hämtar bollen, men råvägrar att lämna tillbaka den
- De gräver ner bollen djupt i sanden

I rättvisans namn var det inte bara hundarna som fick mig att bli tokig. det var liksom hela huset. Inte nog med att mobilen inte hade mottagning. Det var... skitigt. Mitt hus framstår som prydligt och pedantiskt rent (det är det inte) i jämförelse. Duschen var så full med mögel så jag vågade inte duscha. Min egen ofräschet i kombination med hundarnas andedräkt blev för mycket...

Jag tror inte jag ska ha en hund.

Såvida inte vi bor i ett stort hus på landet med en stor gård.

Till och med då är det faktiskt tvivelaktigt.

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dramatic Morning in Bangalow

Dog-sitting in Bangalow again - and just had very dramatic morning. Thought worthy of blog, as has been slightly neglected of late.

Anyway, is beautiful morning so had all screen-doors open running in and out watering plants etcetera. Figured would be ok to leave doors open in such a manner as dog-smell surely would repel wildlife.

Suddenly spot huuuuge lizard on verandah. Start to wonder what kind of lizard it might be and also trying to be very still so dogs will not wake up and make a run for the lizard. Then life turns to slowmotion as if in movie. See lizard head for open screen-door. Am thinking NOOOO! but am too far away and in wrong part of house to stop it. It has entered in the kitchen. Slowly I get up and go towards the kitchen to try and chase lizard out before dogs catch wind of anything going on. Plan immediately fails.

You see, any time one heads for the kitchen - dogs follow in vain hope of getting food. I arrive in kitchen closely followed by dogs; who used to be two placid golden retrievers but have now rapidly turned into mad growling bloodhounds. Knowing hubby will kill me if lizard gets injured; grab bloodhounds and shove them into closest room with door - which happens to be the bathroom. Dogs go in bathroom, door closed firmly.

Dogs very confused about their new situation and are barking. But cannot be helped - cannot allow them to devour lizard. Also, cannot swear there are no venomous lizards...

A few anxious minutes follow during which I am chasing lizard with newspaper, trying to convince it to head back outside. Eventually, it does.

Breathe sigh of relief. Close screen-doors. Go to grab dogs which are barking in bathroom.

Open door. Except. Do NOT open door. What the? Try again. Nope. Nothing. Door definitely LOCKED. Think long list of swear-words. How on earth have dogs locked door? Think-think-think.

Window! I get outside the house, through spider-infested back alley - lift screen off window - open window, which - thank god - is unlocked, and climb in through window. Am wearing pyjamas throughout all of this.

Dogs very excited to see me coming through window. We open the doors and exit...

They are still at screen-doors keeping an eye out for the lizard...

Sunday 9 September 2012


I'm calling it. No more list. What list?

This, really, refers back to previous post about self being slightly lazy at times.

In other news, have become a Citizen! Was really easy. Exam itself took all of 2 minutes - literally. In fact, compared to getting de facto a few years back - getting citizenship was a walk in the park. Went to little local ceremony in Mullum, and have already had to participate in council vote. Voting might be the only downside to citizenship. I know, I know - is precious right we should all value and so on.

Have voted in Sweden exactly once. So whole experience interesting and new. Although do not think we vote for "Mayor" in Sweden. Do we?

So now am legitimate aussie.

Saturday 1 September 2012

Day 26: a bad habit

Am bit too spaced out and idle. But realise have no control over this. It is simply an attribute of people born in Pisces. I know it to be true, have read it somewhere.

One seriously bad habit is crying when am actually angry, not sad. This makes everybody believe am soft, bleeding heart and miserable - when in all likelihood am so mad at them at that moment I could explode.

Another bad habit is my inability to have one glass of wine. If the bottle is open, it's open anyway right...

This could be a long list, but am going to have a lie down instead.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Day 25: my motto

"A free coffee is a free coffee"

Have already told story about hubby and Anna in LA; being offered a free coffee from Subway. We detest Subway, and all junkfood establishment, possible Subway above and beyond any other. Anyway. There was a free coffee promo this particular morning. Looked at each other and were like... you know. A free coffee is a free coffee. Then it turned out to be most disgusting cup of coffee had ever had, and ended up dumping it in a bin.

Most free coffees, though, are awesome.

Sunday 26 August 2012

Day 24: a moment

Had moment involving depressed looking dog picked out, but... looking at the headline "a moment" and cannot help recalling last, horrendous, flight to Sweden. In particular this one, well, moment.

Had massive night evening before. Night had, to top things off, been last of several. Arrived at airport SIX hours early. Am not the sort of person who runs late. Anyhow. Endured the six hours with nothing but bottle of water as could not face airport shopping area to search for food. Figured in-flight food would be marvellous, as tend to love in-flight food (cute little tray filled with cute little lovely things to eat).

When ordered ticket had requested vegetarian meal. And now for the moment: Vegetarian meal arrives. Am starving. Turns out, to airline, vegetarian is same thing as vegan. But worse than that - anorectic vegan. In front of me is three gigantic slices of steamed capsicum, resting in capsicum juice. Served with a small green salad. NO bread. No cake. No biscuits with cheese.

Am still surprised made it through this alive.

On return flight, was not only supremely well rested - and had just eaten - I also packed several packets of cookies in my handbag.

(Did, on the other hand, forget my RRV; resident return visa - but that is another moment.)

NOW, of course, I do aspire towards veganism - but it seriously feels like bad idea on a hangover.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Day 23: my favourite book

Too many to even mention!

Am a bit of a book-fanatic, and will read (almost) anything. But across time, I guess one book stands out as clear favourite and winner in all categories. People who know me will know this, and suggest that my style of writing is inspired by this book. This is true. For two reasons; I liked the style. Also, for many countless years, my life WAS this book.

Bridget Jones: The Edge of Reason.

These days, life has changed somewhat - and can no longer turn to BJ (or, as commonly referred to, the Bible) for everything. Used to be that could use the Bible for advice, for fortune-telling, as well as for reliable source of entertainment.

Would, at one point in life, pick book up almost daily - select random paragraph - and base day around it, like how some people might use a tarot-deck.

In truth, even based a university-assignment around it once. Yes. Fortunately school was on dodgy side - and teachers not well read enough - so whole thing went unnoticed.

Not very intellectual, but seriously. At 17, read Dostoevsky. It was all downhill from there people. Booze kills braincells, it is true.

Sunday 19 August 2012

Day 22: someone I want to swop lives with for a day

Hmm don't know... Am thinking someone filthy rich and super-thin - would then proceed to waste a heap of money and eat chocolate all day.

Mmm. Chocolate.

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Day 21: my fears

Used to be very afraid of birds. Unfortunately, for me, everybody in hubby's family have got atleast one bird.

Hubby's Bird which has sadly gone to heaven:

Parents in Law's Bird:

Am not afraid anymore. Of anything.

Monday 13 August 2012

Sunday 12 August 2012

Day 19: a first

Anna went to LA.

Messaged an old friend saying "guess what I'm in LA!" whereupon he answered "as in Los Angeles, California? WHY?"


Had never planned on going, just sort of ended up there, as one does. A first - and most probably a last.

But there you have it!

Incidentally, this was just after another first - first time in life cut hair short. Expected to look a little like Cameron Diaz. Did not.

Hair has grown out again.

Wednesday 8 August 2012

Day 18: my faith

Getting a bit of tired of this list... but would have to be half way through by now. Time to discuss some serious issues like faith.

In previous years have been the sort of person who did not like taking a stand (publicly, that is - was always judging people silently). Was kind of... in between, neutral, not able to say one way or the other, not bothered - and so on.

These days?

Not so much.

So in those formative years might have made some cop-out statement involving the word agnostic (which did not know meaning of anyway) and continuing on about importance of accepting beliefs of others.


I believe in the Universe and in the power of thought - in the connectedness of all things and in... freedom to live and let live.

Religion, which is inherently implied when asked about ones faith, does not represent any of those values. Has never, could never - and never will.

The End.

Monday 6 August 2012

Day 17: my family

It's all about hubby and me. In Byron.

Have got other family of course, miss them all - friends can become family as well. Am not going to list and describe my people here, kind of private..? Must safeguard the privacy of others when blogging about oneself.

(apart, perhaps, from privacy of hubby)

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Day 16: my bathroom cupboard

Most intriguing subject on which to base a blogpost, honestly.

First would like to mention Splendour in the Grass - wintertime music festival held right here in Byron Bay; which went to in order to drink tequila, freeze our asses off, and watch a few bands. Did not bring camera. Hmm. If only had modern-era phone... if only.

Back to topic.

Not merely "a" cupboard (as in one). But lots. And all mine. Hubby has some things in the furthest one away next to the toilet. He has band-aids and eff off mozzie spray. Also keep all my spare toilet-paper there, in his cupboard. As have explained previously, have tendency to break out in hives if house has any less than five spare rolls of toilet-paper.

Very important. Fluoride-free toothpaste. Do not be fooled people. Fluoride makes you stupid.

What else? Some incense and some sea-shells. Of course.

Thursday 26 July 2012

Awesome Art

Awesome new piece of "art" for office:


Hubby: "Secretive? You're not secretive. What secrets have you ever had?"
Me: "Like I'm telling you."

Everything else pretty spot on though.

Tuesday 24 July 2012

No Internet Break

Am in internet blackspot.

No internet here.

I'll be back.

Is like living in dark ages.

Eller som man säger på svenska: jävla U-land.


Friday 20 July 2012

Day 15: 10 deadly sins


These are not in order of importance.

1. Rudeness
(to be assertive is not the same thing, also to tell sleazy guys off in extremely rude manner when pissed does not count)
2. Selfishness
(me, me, me!)
3. Ignorance
(pleading ignorance on serious issues and using ignorance as an excuse rather than simply finding out for oneself)
4. Animal Cruelty
(including supporting corporations that abuse animals, such as factory farms)
5. Physical Abuse
(apparently cannot walk down street in Kings Cross, Sydney, these days for fear of being king-hit!)
6. Racism
(of course)
7. Wastefulness
(resources are finite, should learn to appreciate what have instead of constantly needing to update everything - mind you, just like Smugglosmurf I too would very much like a new phone. But you should see my phone. Is not like am upgrading from i-phone 4 to i-phone 4.5 or whatever the f... it was called - really!?!)
8. Aggressive Selling
(nothing makes me as angry as sales-people unable to take no for an answer - have even had one of the bastards run after me and call ME rude, when HE was the one chasing ME - oooh, was back in 2006 but still makes blood boil)
9. Ill mannered driving
(tailgating and the like)
10. Littering
(partly because it ruins my walk when hubby risks life to climb out on cliffs to collect other peoples water-bottles and other rubbish)

Thursday 19 July 2012

Day 14: favourite superhero

As in, like, Superman..?

Funny thing about me; have always hated cartoons. Any kind: magazine, TV, animated movies and so on. Especially as child. When got a bit older, learned to appreciate cartoons such as "The Lionking" - as for anything else - nah. Too unrealistic, see.

Realise these superhero cartoons have in later years turned into actual non-cartoon movies, still never really watched one - apart from that Batman-movie starring Heath Ledger. Saw that one at the movies. But preferred the bad guy over Batman.

So my answer is..;

It is all about Pippi Longstocking.

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Day 13: this makes me feel better


Laptop broke down again.

Strike everything said about what makes me upset; replace with "stupid effing laptops and most other technology."

It is here now. But perhaps time to start looking round for different set-up..?

Anyway, had another tooth pulled out, which was equally pleasant and nice as previous time. Actually was better. Started to freak out for some reason - so got given lovely sedative drugs; which thoroughly enjoyed. Am usually quite clean-living so all this drug-taking is a novel reminder of days gone by. Slept all day that day, then laptop broke down.

So what makes one feel better when depressed, is the question?

1. Chocolate
2. Wine
3. A full season of Desperate Housewives on DVD

Glad that is clarified.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Day 12: this makes me cry

Firstly, forgot a big one on the list yesterday: Men who wear skinny jeans. Actually could fit in today as well. Men who wear skinny jeans make me cry.


Crying, clearly, is different from merely getting upset.

I cry all the time. Sad movies, sad books, whenever other people cry, etcetera.

Two things have made me genuinely cry though, in the last several years.

1. Saying goodbye to family, whether I have been in Sweden or some of them have been here.

2. Soul-destroying, meaningless, time-consuming JOBS. Have had them all... there really is nothing to make me sob like little girl and wish could run home to mummy... Fortunately took decision to never do such "work" again.

Oh, that is so sad. Feel like crying now.

Sister and Mother.

Monday 9 July 2012

Day 11: this upsets me

Oh dear. Big, big headline.

Many things upset me. Should probably divide these into a "main" category and a "secondary" category; as not all of the things which upset me are of equal importance. Personally think it is very good that I can see that. Not everybody can make this distinction.


1. Eating Animals; the callous rearing, slaughtering (often in disgusting torture-chambers known as feedlots) and consuming of sentient beings under the false pretence that "we are carnivores."
Newsflash: we are anything but. Physically and biologically we are, in fact, (most like) herbivores. We can be classified as omnivores; based on the fact that humans are opportunistic eaters, and can eat anything (pretty much). But just because we can digest meat, does not suggest that we should.
A dog is a carnivore. I am not advocating feeding your dog steamed broccoli and pine nuts for dinner. It does upset me however, the a lot of people would prefer the same eating habits as the (biologically different) dog; than see common sense.

2. Plastic Pollution (land and ocean).
Have already touched upon this one a few days ago...

3. Religion
Basically all religions, across the board. Some, clearly, more than others. Whilst some religions are relatively harmless; their very existence is slightly upsetting to me because of what they pave the way for and encourage: that is to say, the rest of the evil lot. Religions do and have historically done nothing but lie, deceive, hate, oppress and line its own pockets. Religion has always been, and is still to some extent, a reason to instil fear, encourage war and dis-empower people.
There is an argument that if there were no religion, people would find a way to do these things anyway. That may be true, but by definition does not excuse it. One problem at a time...
(I do not believe religion and spirituality are the same thing)

4. Mainstream media.
Are we really that stupid..?

5. Coal Seam Gas mining (CSG).
This might be one of the greatest threats to our water-supplies and health today. Lock the gate.


1. Justin Bieber and Justin Bieber's fanbase.
Seeing JB's popularity and viewing pictures of screaming teenage girls ("fans") makes me doubt the entire future of humankind. It also beggars the question - "do we even deserve to survive?" With the unavoidable answers being "probably not."

2. Obesity.
Western society spends billions of dollars researching and attempting to "fix" something which is a non-issue. All this glorious cash should be spent feeding the hungry; now there's a real issue.
The solution to the obesity crisis is very simple. It is this: Stop bloody eating and get off your ass. McDonalds, KFC and the honourable Dr Atkins have done us no favours.
So if we could atleast agree to stop squandering money on fat people, once and for all realise that a plant-based wholefoods diet does not make you fat (even if you have chocolate sometimes!) and start concetrating on what's really important.

3. Commercial breaks on TV.
It is just ridiculous. Trying to watch a show or a movie on telly these days; you end up watching more ads than anything else. Suppose is good things though, as has reduced television watching to a minimum (do still watch shows and movies, just not on TV).

4. Traffic.
In particular all other drivers.

5. Cold weather!
Hate layer upon layer of clothing and two thick doonas on bed - summer, come back!


I never push my opinions on other people.

This is my blog so I can say what I want.

Sunday 8 July 2012

Birthday Picnic

Hubby's birthday picnic at Wategos Beach yesterday:

All made by your truly (mostly): eggplant and mushroom vindaloo, hummus, pancakes.

Not, luckily for everyone involved, made by me: Chocolate orange cake, passionfruit cake, coconut bounty - ALL raw vegan! Delicious!

Will get back to list soon. Still resting post tooth-extraction. Unfortunately for me - next appointment on Wednesday. Hurray.

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Excuse Me

Need a short break.

Had wisdom-tooth pulled out.

(do not read if squeamish)

Was first time. You see, have had all my wisdom-teeth since about age 16. No problem. Now, out of the blue, they all have to go. At around 200 bucks a pop, happy happy.
Have got this unique problem - cannot open mouth very widely. Something went wrong in the construction of the jaw-bones, meaning basically cannot open up very wide, and when forced to it is incredibly painful. More painful, in fact, than the actual pulling of the tooth.

Dentist, after 15 minutes or so of poking around in there, asked could I please try to open mouth more. Of course could not answer, with all the dental equipment and hands in mouth; but let's just say was already in state of panic whimpering like drowning kitten holding on to chair like life depended on it. So no, could not open mouth more.

Basically to pull a tooth, they grab hold of it and rock back and forth for ages. Can hear menacing crunching sounds inside your head, meanwhile feeling like entire skull is being dislocated.

Eventually dentist was saying - might have to leave it in there and have you put under general anesthesia. At that point thought; heeeeell no - have come this far; keep pulling damnit! So after about another 10 minutes, damned tooth was out.

Awesome. One down, three to go.

Naturally have now got infection. Fever and discomfort. But cannot eat at all, so great for weight-loss.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Day 10: my day

Woke up at sunrise, sat on balcony with tea.

Went to catch up with Louise in Pottsville; observed some atrocious driver-behaviour, being Sunday and all.

For example:
- Tail gating
- Weaving
- Pulling out dangerously close to motorcycle (there is reason they are commonly referred to as "organ donors" suppose)
- Road rage (for instance motorcyclist against driver who pulled out dangerously close to him)
- Stopping on shoulder
- Going slow in the right lane
- Tandem driving (i.e making out like you are going to overtake, then simply cruising along next to another car)

Etcetera... cannot believe amount of complaining people around here do about the roads. How the government needs to "fix" our roads, which are catastrophically dangerous, apparently.

Anna's input to the road-debate: Roads would be less dangerous if people did not drive like idiots.

I digress.

Made it to Pottsville, had lovely time catching up and discussing important world-issues.

Now am back home updating blog.

There is only so much can fit into a day!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 9: my favourite time of year (and Tallow winter morning pics)

Summer. Summer, summer, summer.
Preferably a real stinker, rendering everyone else uselessly sprawling across lounges underneath AC-units, panting and begging for mercy.

At the moment we are in winter! Remember my NYE-resolution of walking on beach every day at sunrise? Well. Finally done it! Not exactly sunrise, as such though. But at least was early!

Nice, right?

Until we picked up a piece of plastic.

And another one.

And another.

You can't stop.

This is only about ten minutes worth... on one of the most pristine beaches around. Truly.

Noticed as part of the list that I will write about things that upset me... Well, here is a taste.

Plastic, and other assorted garbage ending up in the ocean! Because people are ignorant, lazy and wasteful. Buying CRAP we do not need, replacing things that are not broken. Littering.

Plastic in oceans kill wildlife and end up inside fish; thus polluting the food-supply of those who still believe it is a good idea to eat fish (sure, there are some health-benefits, though nothing we cannot get from other sources - which are far less detrimental to the earth, and far less toxic).

When was last time you heard about this on the news? Right, me neither. On news this morning (admittedly, channel 7, but still): Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes split. Whaaat..? Let me get notebook.

More to come...