There are many things to attend to during afternoon nap. I mean, it's not always possible to make it to the pool. There's facebook, for instance. And the blog.
Friday, 24 January 2014
Thursday, 23 January 2014
You're thinking; "she's never been to a gym in 29 years!?"
Ok, 33. Whatever.
Nope. Thought about it once. Then left it at that.
3 x 10 20kg
2 x 8 41kg
2 x 8 34kg
Return home. Drink glass of water (try not to think about flouride). Stretch. Do 16 situps. Try to do 8 more. Give up. Do 16 push ups. Haha. Do 3 push ups. Lie down for 5 minutes. Bub wakes up.
Get home. Have a coffee as very good for digestion. Bub wakes up.
- rain
- too much sun
- too late in the morning
- bub been awake since 3am
- too hungry
- no clean socks
Tuesday, 21 January 2014
Still in Sydney. Watched a doco today about fresh produce and farmers markets in the northern rivers area. Byron Bay! I miss thee! How did we get it into our heads that this was a good idea? To let our beautiful home in favour of living out of a suitcase for almost a year?
Just having one of those days.
Doubting decisions. Feeling out of place. Feeling tired. Wanting to be home and not knowing where home is.
Is this good for bub? Does bub care?
She is refusing to go to sleep again without epic battle first. Hubby feeling defeated by bub. Bub keeps on "winning". That is to say, being picked up, carried, rocked, sung to, played with and bottle fed.
But is it really a competition..?
Is she secretly mad at us for not providing enough stability? Or is she bored and in need of more stimulation?
Where should I send that application for mother-of-the-year?
Sunday, 5 January 2014
Mad Scales
It's not a secret that I have no understanding of anything operated by pressing of buttons and reading of screens. For example the telly, laptop, phone or alarm clock.
In fact as recently as this morning hubby yelled at me "learn how to use your phone!" He didn't say "fucking phone" - pardon my french - as then he would have lost 10 bucks to the swear jar.
Hubby and I are trying to stop swearing. Since a couple of days ago.
We each started with $100 in credit. I am now on -$180. MINUS.
Back to my point.
The scales. The mad high tech scales belonging to my sister-in-law. They display digital numbers and are operated by pressing buttons. Therefore impossible for me to use.
I did figure out, however, what my current weight is. I flew into a wild panic (I even went for a 30 minute swim in the local pool).
Scales had proceeded to tell me my bmi. I was obese. OBESE.
So I thought. Until hubby figured out that this, surely, was an impossibility. How on earth could scales know my height? I don't know, I sobbed in a obesity induced panic - they just, like, DO!
Hubby reckons that at some point in time my sis-in-law has typed her height into scales, as if scales were a computer. And this info is used to calculate bmi. HER bmi.
Very relieved. Very pleased to know that am in fact NOT obese. Sis-in-law is a good 20 centimeters shorter than me.
Nevertheless will try to do more exercise and stop eating so much. Got into bad habit when was breastfeeding and sleep deprived. Was looking beautifully emaciated there for a bit. Oh how quickly things can change!
Friday, 3 January 2014
She Sleeps
So when you stop breastfeeding, you should stop consuming 5000 calories a day, apparently. Wish someone told me.
Suddenly good work losing 20 kilos whilst doing nothing but sitting on couch, playing with bub and eating muffins seems undone. In the neighborhood of... don't even want to know! About to stand on sister-in-law's high tech scales which will tell me, not only weight, but bmi.
Had to stop breastfeeding as part of sleep training for bub. Also was desperate, sleep deprived, crying mess. Bub developed habit of staying awake most of night, leisurely feeding. Leisurely for some. After a couple of months of this, had to abandon hippie-style on demand approach in favour of scheduled meals and scheduled bottles.
And she sleeps. She sleeps. All night until 5-6am. She sleeeeeeps.