Friday, 30 December 2011

The Year that Was

The year that was... in ten sentences.

1. Celebrated New Years Eve last year with Mother and auntie Mia - all got drunk and danced to ABBA as usual.
2. Went to the Big Day Out on the Gold Coast, vowed to never attend festival again.
3. Did a lot of Yoga, was good at it.
4. Did a lot of gardening, was bad at it.
5. Went to Soundwave in Melbourne, vowed to never attend festival again.
6. Did Dutch taxes - was hell on earth.
7. Saw a great white shark.
8. Saw one of my best friends get married in Sydney.
9. Attended the Byron Bay Blues and Roots Festival, came to conclusion that festivals are OK after all.
10. Attended my sister's graduation in Sweden.

This coming year, I will...
1. Meditate
2. Prepare loads of awesome vegan food
3. Go for walks at sunrise

I will not...
1. Get road rage
2. Lose temper over stupid things
3. Be impatient

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

NYE Resolutions?

Merry Christmas!

That is that for another year. Mind, still have New Years Eve to stress over. But not intending to start stressing about NYE until the 30th. Plenty of time to sort out some food, surely. Especially if do re-run of Christmas Menu. Which, am pleased to say, went without hitch.

After all that. After numerous mishaps and thrown away sand-balls; the Christmas batch of lentil-balls whizzed together and formed perfect looking balls as if to say "what - me..? I never went on strike, what are you talking about. Rubbish."

Have had generally bad weather. But on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was beautiful and sunny - went for swims etcetera; made sure to snap some photos to show family and friends in Sweden whilst gloating about our brilliant weather. Meanwhile, am now sitting indoors wearing uggs, scarf and sweater.


Is it normal to come up with some NYE resolutions? Is that something that people do?
Do not remember doing this, ever. Apart, of course, from drunken heat of the moment ones every year, such as : will definitely drink less, not smoke, lose 5 kilos, call home more often and so on.

Real ones would take a little more thought...


Thinking is not strong point.

Get a tan?

Tuesday, 20 December 2011


Taking little blog-break over the holidays, you see.

But am still sneaking in and reading yours!


Friday, 16 December 2011

Christmas!!! And a word on gift-giving.

Christmas is around the corner!

Have a feeling that I will not be blogging as often as usual over the holidays - will be busy doing other things. Mainly cooking, eating, eating and eating.

Oh, and driving.

Am most excited to see how various relaxation techniques and meditation practises have increased ability to stay calm behind wheel. I shall say as I always say - it's not me, it's them.

We do not do Christmas presents.

Personally I have a long history of detesting the practise of buying useless stuff nobody wants just because you are supposed to have something. In late childhood and early teens the having of something used to consist of bags and bags (seriously - think 30-40 bags and counting) of stuff. Mainly for siblings. A few for me. After hours of fun (sitting around watching everyone open gift after gift) the stuff would inevitably end up in other (or the same, recycled) bags - rest temporarily in basement - and continue on with life at the op-shop.

For the sake of peace-preservation I must now point out that it was not Mother who was responsible for the stuff-mania, rather her parents-in-law. It was very well intended. Don't get me wrong.

But ever since I have a phobia of buying anything which does not have a specific use - particularly around holidays.

Yes. Have lived in the same house for a year, and lo and behold - empty rooms and bare walls - as have not been able to acquire the customary amount of stuff yet. I rest assured it will happen in time.

Hubby is like me. Now.
He did not used to be, though he likes to think that he was.

I beginning of relationship it was not uncommon for me to hold something up (pinched between thumb and index-finger) in front of my then boyfriend and ask in an inquisitive (sour) voice, nose slightly wrinkled and upturned: "What on earth is this..? What do you use it for..? What do you mean nothing..? Can we throw it away?"

Whereupon hubby would answer something about not messing with his awesome rag-doll full of paint and lipstick, with nails all through it - just as an example.

Anna: 0, Hubby: 1 = He still has that doll.*

But I digress!

Was actually just going to say Merry Christmas. Spend your time with friends and family, your money on food, your energy on each other - and don't waste anything on useless procurement, storage and disposal!



See! See?!?

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

A Free Chair is a Free Chair

Am so handy, and stuff.

Found on street during council pick-up week (yes, in July):

Had decided that my new hobby was going to be restoring old furniture.

Unfortunately discovered that sanding down old chairs is terribly... well, boring. So it took me a few months to finish.


Monday, 12 December 2011

Outcome of Sunday and a Cultural Difference

So after a moderate amount of panicking on Sunday morning - everything went fine. Everyone said they liked the food, including vege-balls*. There were two children of an age during which they speak and are simultaneously unaware of the concept of white lies. The vote, however, was divided. One child wrinkled nose and the other liked it.

*In the later stages of panicking discovered that batter simply refused to form "balls" of any description - so ended up making mini-burgers. Faux-Swedish-Meatball-Mini-Burgers. Actually thought for a second that might cry. But then thought - stuff it, have got champagne - everyone will be happy.

That is how you celebrate here.

Is very interesting to reflect on this peculiar culture-difference between Sweden and Australia - things are quite similar in many ways - and so worlds apart in others. Say for instance you got the idea to consume alcohol in Sweden, in amounts similar to ones you consume in Australia - the result would almost certainly include your family and close friends doing some form of intervention to prevent you from heading down path of disreputable behaviour.

When mother and her husband is here they are always very tired at the end of their couple of weeks Downunder; they ask sternly "you don't live like this all the time do you only when we are here right" and we all laugh sheepishly, nod vigorously and assure them that "of course, you are right, absolutely right - hehehe."

Saturday, 10 December 2011

Time to Run Away?

Designed them to look like Swedish Meatballs. Made them in manner similar to how one might make Swedish Meatballs.

(Apart, of course, from the ground up animals.)

In midst of all this creativity, something unfortunately got over-looked.



OH MY GOD HAVE GUESTS COMING TOMORROW WHAT WILL I DO CANNOT POSSIBLY serve guests potato-bake, salad and bread and pretend like those are the main dishes... or can I?

Will I just heat up the saw-dust-crossed-with-sand inspired balls and act like all is normal?

Will I text everyone in morning saying event cancelled as have just come down with cholera?

Will I go down to White Shop in morning and purchase pre-made vege-balls of some description for like a 100 bucks and pretend I cooked them myself?

Will I, perhaps, emigrate back to Sweden as a matter of urgency and never cook again..?

Think is now safe to say that have greatly over-estimated my abilities in the kitchen.

Friday, 9 December 2011


Hittade en liten enkät på Duktiga Tjejens blogg häromdagen - gillade iden så tänkte låna den och skriva lite på Swedish idag...

Låt se.
Nu är det December 2011, alltså ska jag dra mig till minnes December 2001. Hmm... Det var faktiskt en period på cirka 9 månader när jag bodde i Stockholm! Hade just avlutat ett år i USA - kom hem och bestämde mig för att flytta till Stockholm där jag skulle jobba ett tag och sen plugga till psykolog (hade jag tänkt).
Haha. Icke! Kunde inte ens hitta vettigt boende i Stockholm! Kämpade ett tag och bodde ute i Spånga, två timmar till jobbet och två hem. Gjorde lite efterforskningar och insåg till min förtvivlan att jag inte hade en chans att komma in på psykolog-linjen. Inte för att jag hade dåliga betyg! Men jag hade heller inte perfekta.
Alltså, tänkte jag - ska jag stanna här och hyra i tredjehand ute i Spånga eller liknande och plugga socionomi eller något annat sexigt - eller ska jag åka härifrån?
Det blev "åka härifrån."

Har alltid vart lite sådan. Path of least resistance, ni vet. Varför göra livet svårare än vad det egentligen är, etcetera. Said and done. Åkte till Sydney med ett två-årigt visum för att plugga till en Business Degree majoring in Tourism and Hospitality!

December förra året hade vi just flyttat upp till Byron Bay - och lämnat Sydney därhän!

Mörk Choklad, mango, banan, äpplen, chips med saltsmak.

Ingen - jag har katastrofalt dåligt minne.
Men om de spelas högt så kan jag sjunga med till I will survive (Gloria Gaynor), Survivor (Destiny's Child), Thank You (Dido), Closing Time (Leonard Cohen) och What you waiting for (Gwen Stefani). Ganska okaraktäristiska sånger för mig, men konstigt nog är det så det ligger till.

För det första undrar jag - varför Miljardär och inte Miljonär..? Har vi inte blivit lite giriga nu..?
Hur som helst, jag skulle adoptera minst 10 barn från olika länder och resa massor i de länderna.

Tuesday, 6 December 2011


Have arrived at solution (to non-meatball-issue).

Good old-fashioned canned lentils, mixed with some ginger and spices - fried in some cinnamon - and we have the perfect looking and decent tasting Swedish Vege-Balls! Phew!

However, going to have to shelve idea of vegan potato-bake. In Sweden one can find vast arrays of vegan cream-substitutes - the only thing could find in White Shop here in Byron was a tiny old dusty carton from Germany containing soycream and loads of additives. Oatcream, unheard of. Even in White Shop.

So this Christmas we may look forward to indulging in some cow-creamy potato and some cow-creamy beetroot salad.

Next year - am thinking of taking the path of least resistance and cancel whole Christmas Food tradition.
Swedish Christmas Food is not vegan. It is not vegetarian. It is not appropriate in 30 degree heat.
Have adamantly prepared it for the past 10 years - is it time to let go..?

How important is it that we maintain our traditions? How does something become a tradition? If I make, say, quinoa-salad with peanut sauce every Christmas for 20 years, is that then tradition?

In any case, this Christmas am making the following:

Lentil Balls with Gravy and Cranberry Sauce (vegan)
Potato Bake (Janssons)(vegetarian)
Beetroot Salad (vegetarian)
Eggplant Mustard Sill (vegetarian)
Gingered carrots (vegan)
Chocolate and Coconut Balls

In Swedish:

Jag inser att chokladbollar inte traditionellt sätt är att betrakta som julmat. Men jag ställer mig för sjutton inte och kokar knäck - nån måtta får det vara!

Sunday, 4 December 2011

Form Slump

Oh dear.

The soy-balls that I have told EVERYONE that I am making for Christmas (and for next weekend) - are... are... a DISASTER!!!

Really. Bad.

Going through form slump.

Soy-balls terrible. Gravy terrible - unless you love salt. Can probably be rectified - use less salt.

The soy-balls, however, are beyond salvation.

They taste like revolting mess fed as child - tinned fish-balls, or fiskbullar. They look like fiskbullar!!!

Childhood Trauma relived yesterday at dinner. Today tried to disguise horrible colour, consistency and flavour by adding tomato-paste and BBQ-sauce.

Result = fiskbullar with BBQ flavour!


Saturday, 3 December 2011

Lennox Head and a Trial Run

Took a little drive to Lennox Head this morning, just south of Byron Bay:

Am in this very moment attempting to make Soy-balls in the image of "Swedish Meatballs" - which am going to prepare for Christmas Eve. Pressure is on. Often congratulate self on being most accomplished at cooking, but something happens when trying to cook for other people... it just does not come together. Does not taste as amazing as had imagined.

Something, incidentally, happened today whilst preparing the recipe. Realised soy-beans need to boil for THREE hours. THREE! No yoga for Anna today then. Kitchen duty. Wish the White Shop in town would stock tinned soy-beans.

So, anyway, this Christmas am not taking any chances. Today is trial run. Doing second trial-run WITH OTHER PEOPLE next weekend. Other People being Swedish Neighbour and her hubby plus kids - as well as Louise plus kid. These guys are all "gluten intolerant."

Sorry guys, hard enough being practically vegan and all organic - I am not even sure what "gluten" is. Hopefully it will not kill you.

Have provided everyone with warnings that food may or may not be edible. We shall see.

Thursday, 1 December 2011

Whites Beach

Love it how every little town around here is based around the same theme. That is - as long as you have petrol, booze and some basic supplies (like newspapers and smokes) - it's all good.

Newrybar Towncentre:

Visited Whites Beach (just south of Byron Bay) for the first time yesterday, gorgeous.

It's photo day on the blog...

Tuesday, 29 November 2011

Snake of the Day!

Today's close encounter:

Yellow-faced Whip Snake

Potentially dangerous. But very, very small!

In other news - having very hot and humid weather here in the Bay. 30 degrees and counting.

Also have started to plan Christmas Menu! More on that next time.

Off to yoga.

Sunday, 27 November 2011

Stuff White People Like

A little while ago, read a hilarious book entitled "Stuff White People Like" - another one has now come out which have not read:

Perhaps will order it.

This is definitely not a book designed to stimulate your intellect - but will definitely make you laugh!

It's one of those "it's funny because it's truuuuuue" books.

For instance, a couple of my favourite things that white people enjoy:

- Farmer's Markets (yep)
- Organic Food (yep)
- Yoga (yep)
- Vegetarianism (yep)
- Living / Doing things near Water (yep)
- Renovating a House (yeah, sort of)
- Hating people who wear Ed Hardy (mostly)
- Adopting Children from Abroad (considering)

In our circle of friends, we commonly reprimand each other by saying perhaps "That's so white." Or "You're the whitest person alive."

Hubby and I get that a lot.

In Byron Bay, they have invented what is possibly the most pretentious - white - drink in human history.

The LSD.

The Latte Soy Dandy.

It looks like a coffee, it costs the same as a coffe - but it is... ground up and brewed dandelion.

That's right. A weed. Something others may pour roundup on to get rid of. Fortunately there are plenty of white people here in Byron who will drink it.

Me included. Yes. Have confession to make. Have decided to stop all intake of caffeine. It was getting ridiculous.

For instance - could no longer get out of bed unless heard kettle on downstairs. Would actually do insane things like order a hot beverage (soy flat white) at cafe even though sunny and 30 degrees. I mean. Heard of cold drinks..?

For this reason have suffered a few nasty headaches and been slightly angrier than usual.

Yesterday we did go for a nice little drive to Mullumbimby, for a LSD. By the way the "Rock&Roll Cafe" in Mullum does not play rock music. Ensure you get a take-away cup.

Friday, 25 November 2011

Recipe Book

Been very busy, working alongside hubby to create the much anticipated... Wedding Photo Album!!!


As a devoted reader of this blog, you may know that this has been an ongoing project for sometime. We, in fact, got married on New Years Eve 2009.

Right now do not have much time for blogging, am in middle of making Chick Pea and Kale Curry - a recipe from this book...

... which arrived yesterday - was super super excited.

Wednesday, 23 November 2011

The Makings of an Ideal Wife

Look what happens when you make your own carrots:

Funny looking


Yes - domestic goddess.

On the subject of domestic-goddess-ness, have finally mastered the art of roasting veggies (I have used pumpkin in the example below). Do not believe this is something commonly done in Sweden (roasting) - or is that just my family?

Yes, yes, yes - (am patting self on back, congratulating self on being such an ideal wife - not my fault hubby is a bit annoyed just because he just now had to come in here to sort laptop out as the ideal wife was shouting "BAAAAAAABY the effing compuuuuter is not working agaaaain, get in here nooooow!")

Monday, 21 November 2011

Sunday at the Beachy

Met Louise at the Beachy yesterday afternoon, in order to dance to very popular Byron Bay iconic-like coverband:

Lisa Hunt

Hubby would rather snorkel in fish-pond than go to Beachy on a Sunday.

But was not all that bad.

Upsides: Everyone dancing, all ages (from 18-75), good atmosphere.
Downsides: Drinks in plastic cups, smelly loos, imminent risk of somebody trotting on toes.

Should have included that one in my list of 7 things not previously discussed on blog: I cry when someone steps on my toes. Toes very sensitive.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Driving in the Bay

A few words regarding driving in Byron Bay.

If at all possible; this activity should be avoided at all cost.

Yet, being a country-town (sort of) and completely lacking things like public transport - I find myself behind the wheel on a regular basis.

Unfortunately, so do other people.

You see, this would be a total non-issue were it not for other drivers. And to the sceptic - YES it really is them, not me. So...

Dear Other Drivers of Byron Bay!
I have devised a couple of helpful instructions for you, so that we may all enjoy the driving experience around the Bay.

Firstly, refrain from entering a "main road" from other (side) roads (including carparks) if a car is approaching and it is clear that the driver of this car will have to slam their breaks and come to a complete stop in order to not crash into you. The correct course of action in this situation is TO WAIT YOUR BLOODY TURN.

Secondly, no U-Turns on Lawson Street. Seriously?!? Use one of the roundabouts on either end of the street - which are never more than 50 metres away from you.

If you are parked on the side of the street - well done to you for scoring a spot there! Still, you should respect the law and pull out only when there is an opening, instead of pulling out whenever YOU FEEL LIKE IT and nearly crashing into the sides of other traffic.

Perhaps most importantly: Use your indicators. On the side of your steering wheel, usually on the right side (but please do a test run before you head out into traffic) there is a little lever which you can move up or down depending on whether you are turning left or right.
But BEWARE! Many drivers are driving around with their indicators ON - but they are NOT actually planning to turn! This is misleading and also wrong. I know this is very, very, hard to get.

Let's stay on the topic of indicators for now. When entering a roundabout, if you are turning left: indicate left. If, on the other hand, you are turning right: indicate right. Yes! Even in a roundabout! Some people, who actually HAVE a drivers-license, will also indicate OUT of the roundabout. This we can consider an extra bonus and you do not need to worry about that one right now.

At no time is it strictly speaking necessary to drive within one metre of the vehicle in front of you. This is called tail-gating, and is OK in Queensland - but try to avoid it anywhere else.

Cyclists should... you know what, nevermind.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Wategos Beach

Early(ish) morning, Wategos Beach

It's a tough life.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Garden Update, Late Nights and some Handy Tips

Garden Update:

Out of control, mad tomato-vine, alas - no tomatoes...

The other side of the garden, post bush-turkey attack and subsequent recovery: looking good! Living in tropical rainforest has both disadvantages (such as bush-turkeys) and advantages (things grow back quickly after having been wiped out by bush-turkeys).

Had late night on Friday. Went to lovely cafe / restaurant called Harvest - out in middle of nowhere (like most places around here). Was treat from dogs we dog-sat. They are very thoughtful and want only the best for their carers.
Service was actually awesome (always something of a surprise) and they had prepared a couple of extra vegetarian options for us. Impressed!

Also had late night on Saturday. Enjoyed a champers (you guessed it, a bottle) with Louise on balcony before making way into town to catch Tijuana Cartel at the Northern. Imagine our surprise upon learning that band was not on until 11.30. PM!
Were dumbfounded. Overcome with bewilderment. Louise had to approach ticket-desk twice to confirm time. Had no idea how to last that long. But we did, it was fun apart from one guy that came dangerously close to being flogged.

Other than weekend of excess just gone - am pretty domesticated. Was thinking of interesting lists to add to blog, came up with one - then realised am going to have to redefine my idea of "interesting".

Handy Tips for a Successful Household:

1. Never permit bush-turkeys to nest in Garden (obviously)
2. Never forget to close screen-doors (you may encounter snakes inside house)
3. Never feed wild birds - they are very predatory (direct descendants of velociraptors)
4. Never plant vines, they are evil
5. Never cover cracks in walls with paint
6. Never hide cans of soft-drink around the house - your husband will find them
7. Never run out of coffee
8. Most importantly: NEVER clean wooden benches with Methylated Spirits


Friday, 11 November 2011

Versatile Blogger (in Swedish)

Fick ett omnämnande på Sannas fina blogg, Sanna DownUnder! Hon skriver om livet sedan hon flyttat till Sydney för att plugga och leva drömmen. Jag känner igen mig i väldigt mycket! Mina student-dagar inkluderade förvisso inte joggingturer på beachen i Bondi, snarare helkvällar på krogen i Newtown, men men - times are a-changing!

Jag skulle också vilja passa på att nämna kloka Emmy - bortabrabloggen som jag följer! Hon skickade vidare denna Awards till den som kände sig manad här för ett tag sedan.


Så man ska länka till den som nominerat en (done), och nu ska jag dela med mig av sju saker som jag inte har berättat om på min blogg.

1. Jag är en morgon-människa av episka proportioner. Jag är ganska nöjd om jag får lägga mig klockan nio. Och "läsa." Ofta när maken kommer för att lägga sig någon timme senare så sover jag djupt sedan cirka 45 minuter. Men sen vaknar jag någon gång vid 4-tiden. Jag vaknar då ÄVEN om jag vart ute sent. Av denna anledning (och några andra) brukade det bli ganska många all-nighters, back in the day...

2. Jag har många kontroversiella åsikter. Dock låtsas jag nästan alltid (i vardagen) ha en neutral ståndpunkt - annars misstänker jag att folk kommer att skälla på mig.

3. Jag hatar när folk skäller på mig.

4. Jag gråter när jag blir arg. Jag ser alltså ledsen ut; istället för att se förbannad ut. Detta får aldrig avsedd effekt.

5. Jag är mörkrädd. Trodde alltid det var sådant som gick över när man blev "vuxen." Men icke.

6. Jag fattar inte grejen med oliver. Det är väl för fasen inte gott?!?
Obs, detta betraktar jag ej som en kontroversiell åsikt. Bara en universiell sanning.

7. Jag är jättedålig på att komma ihåg namn. Jätte-jätte-jättedålig. Kass. Tydligen är jag även dålig på att skilja folk åt. Senast igår påpekade maken att "killen" jag trodde var samma person (sett honom på yoga, och han jobbar på cafeet brevid yoga-studion, trodde jag) är i själva verket inte samma person; utan TVÅ helt OLIKA killar - som enligt maken inte ens är speciellt lika. Det var ju själva faaan.

Nu är tanken att jag ska jag nominera 15 (!!!) andra ”versitile bloggers” - alltså, för det första betvivlar jag att 15 pers läser min blogg och en del har ju redan gjort den här listan. Jag länkar till några nya favoriter här i alla fall:

The Weird One
Out of my point of view
Swedish Army Wife
Anna i USA

Och så klart roliga:


Thursday, 10 November 2011

Handling Annoyance in Zen-like Way

How annoying - can not read comments / leave comments or edit my blog's design. Why?

Why oh why?

Is it OR has the domain in fact identified me as somebody around who technical things must never work smoothly for any extended period of time?

It could even be the laptop. The laptop has previously proven itself capable of identifying me as opposed to other users (hubby) and choosing to malfunction only when I am using it.

Best to simply accept situation and move on. In zen-like fashion.

First time we got labelled "zen-like" was in Amsterdam. Hubby (then boyfriend) and I had recently started to transform into calmer, more serene individuals - but had not realised to what extent we had done so, until a friend came to stay with us. We bought some food at markets, our friend stated we could heat food up in microwave - hubby and I adamant we did not HAVE microwave - our friend insisted we DID.


Hubby and I had not noticed it.
Is the sort of thing that can pass one by when one is in the middle of meditating or similar.

Garden Statue - relating to new lifestyle involving meditation

A zen-joke:
Don't just do something. Sit there!

Wednesday, 9 November 2011

Demanding Fish

Once upon a time, a previous resident of this dwelling thought to themselves - "I know - let's dig a hole at a randomly chosen spot in the backyard, dress it with black plastic, pour in water - and add loads of fish!"

Said and done. As you can see here...

The time came for this previous resident, who we shall not name, to move on.
They proceeded to discover the great difficulty involved in relocating fish - let alone entire hole in ground, which they referred to (rather generously) as "pond."

Solution: Leave fish in pond; leave little tub of fish-food and list of care instructions - and make a run for it.

Thus hubby and I ended up with, what we think is in the neighbourhood of 40, fish.

And a sign on fridge saying "Feed the Fish!!" - as gentle reminder for self. Fish need to eat even if raining outside and do not feel like going out.

By the way, it is not true that fish only remember anything for 30 seconds. Is myth.
They always remember that seeing me with fish-food tub means they will soon eat. I can tell, as they open their mouths and start swimming around in circles like mad.

Like mad fish?

Monday, 7 November 2011

Bizarre Phonecall and Lesson Thereby Learned

Back in August, in blog entitled "Hinterland, More People at Door & a Walk" (can be found under Blog Archives) I told the saga of a so called Roy Morgan Research Poll that was asked to participate in. Asked, that is to say - someone walked all the way up to front door; caught me out, informed me they needed a few minutes of my time and proceeded to ask meaningless questions about things like TV-watching for over 45 minutes.


"This time, was asked by mystery-guest to take part in Morgan Poll (Roy Morgan Research). The Morgan Poll is, apparently, the most widely accepted Australian opinion poll there is. And was only going to take a few moments. Fabulous!
Of course, wish to do my part and ensure I make a "significant contribution to social and political decision-making and project development in Australia"! 45 minutes later was starting to feel slightly less enthusiastic, and when I was finally done politely declining to discuss my income and / or bank balance as well as admitting to having drunk eight out of ten types of booze in the past week - immediately rung up Swedish Neighbour to warn her of impending doom. She has two kids under the age of three, and certainly no time to contribute to statistics in a meaningful way..."

End of extract.

Following the Incident - people from Roy Morgan (who have my mobile number given to them by YOURS TRULY in very weak moment of audacious trust) have been calling incessantly to... well, not quite sure, as they without fail ring whilst am cooking dinner - so have never picked up. Assumed they would eventually get the message and lose my number, as it were.


... It was Friday night... after a long day... was halfway through bottle of Oyster Bay Sauvignon Blanc... was in middle of preparing vegan Spinach & Pea Lasagna, when...
The telephone rings!!! Am distracted... pick it up - HUGE mistake... The following conversation ensues, practically verbatim
- this really happened!!!

RMRR (Roy Morgan Research Rep): - "Hello, I'm calling from Roy Morgan Research, about six weeks ago you participated in a face to face interview with one of our researchers who had a computer screen? (...) Unfortunately the screen was broken so I just need to confirm a few details from you if that's possible?"
Me: - "Ok, what?" (stirring spinach mix, hoping against reason that it will be quick so can hang up)
RMRR: - "(...) Well, uhm, do you smoke?"
Me: - "No..." (slightly taken aback by surprising question, do not recall this even being in original interview)
RMRR: (sounding very surprised) - "So you don't smoke cigars?!"

*Note: CIGARS. Not cigarettes, like normal people - cigars. As if were businessman-from-the-Fifties.*

Me: (a little offended, very annoyed - admittedly always get much more annoyed with stupid people after having consumed sav blanc) - "NO!" (attempting to send strong message with tone of voice)
RMRR: (having collected himself after shock of finding out that I do not smoke cigars after all) - "Oh good. Can I just confirm your last name?"
Me: - "NO. Goodbye!"

I eagerly anticipate the continuation of this tale. Will there be another phonecall? Or perhaps, oh mercy, will they blacklist me? One can only hope.

Hubby has duly lectured me for giving out name and phone number in first place. Very careless behaviour.

Increases levels of assertiveness..?

Friday, 4 November 2011

Dent in Plans...


Today was supposed to start course in Creative Writing at local community college, alas, received phone call the other day informing me that course cancelled. Not enough people signed up!
(lazy hippies)


Had spent weeks and weeks gearing up for this course. Look - bought notebook:

Expectations had on course:
1. Meet array of amazingly interesting and like-minded people
2. Get loads of constructive how-to ideas regarding how to be successful writer
3. Immediately arrive at several brilliant and inspired ideas for writing projects which to undertake
4. Evolve into full-fledged author
5. Finish book within three months

So this new development has put serious dent in plans... Realise, looking at list of expectations, that perhaps had set sights a little high.

Possible alternative outcome of course:
1. Meet array of bored housewives and assorted hippies
2. Get told writing will flow naturally as long as you let it (hmm, no)
3. Immediately think of 0 ideas (same number as now)
4. Not evolve into author
5. Not finish book

No problem. Will get back to drawing board on this one.

Will start by making list of things that potentially makes one a flourishing author... (Liking list today.)

1. Unrequited love
2. Terrible childhood
3. Drug abuse
4. Life-changing near death experience
5. Fantastic imagination

1 - No. 2 - No. 3 - No. 4 - No...

Great. Have to rely on imagination.

Thursday, 3 November 2011

Heron Chick and Countryside Lunch

Was up very early today.

Hubby had to be at work at unholy hour so figured would be a good wife and roll out of bed an hour ahead of this time and prepare some coffee.

Like auntie Mia always says; One must look after one's husband, and not be useless all the time!

Of course, hubby himself is the official coffee-maker out of the two of us - but is thought that counts. Also provided valuable moral support.

Immediately upon rising got very excited at prospect of viewing sunrise from balcony whilst sipping coffee. Sat on balcony for around 10 minutes until finally had to face reality - had already missed actual sunrise by a good half hour. Sun was simply residing behind a cloud. But sky was pretty pink colour so was totally worth it.

Yesterday found ourselves having to go on unplanned tour around country-side again - something to do with rescuing distressed lice-covered-parasite-plagued native bird, which indeed is a very important task.
Out of caution (did not wish to be infected with lice) did not get a good photo of bird. Or any photo at all to be honest. But here is one I borrowed:

Heron Chick

On way back stumbled on lovely little cafe out in middle of nowhere (near Eltham - outside Lismore):

Food snaps:

Mushroom Tart


Not quite vegan!?
Yes. Do not want to be someone unable to leave own house for fear of ingesting something non-vegan; believe that small amounts - on occasion, will not harm me. If had it everyday, it most likely would.
Sort of like smoking?

As hubby says "am not doing it for the title." Following a mostly vegan diet, that is. Will be quite happy to hit a 95% and above target.

Now have spent far too much time adding blogs to reading list... must run or will miss Farmers Market. Need to purchase some ginger. And eggplant.

Tuesday, 1 November 2011

World Vegan Day

Not sure which is more tragic: fact that totally forgot last night was Halloween and not one single lollie in house - or fact that no kids came knocking..?

Possibly Swedish Neighbour's offspring has spread the word amongst neighbourhood kids regarding our garden being dubbed "The Spider Jungle" and as one has to make ones way through garden to get to house, nobody was game.
This really was the best outcome, as I said - had no lollies. Also hubby and I slightly afraid of children, so spent entire afternoon and evening telling the other one "if someone comes YOU answer, ok?"

Anyway. Halloween is meaningless commercial holiday.

Today is World Vegan Day.

Allow me to recommend* the following literature (first two responsible for my Vegetarian Ways - third one on list sending me tumbling towards Veganism... Frightening word, realise, but is really not that hard - and is definitely right thing to do):

Eating Animals - Jonathan Safran Foer

Fast Food Nation - Eric Schlosser

The China Study - Colin Campbell

*When I say "recommend" - we NEED to know this stuff... happy reading!

Sunday, 30 October 2011

Verandah Days in Bellingen

Just back from weekend in beautiful Bellingen, between 3-4 hours drive south of Byron Bay.

4.5 hours there and 3.5 hours back to be specific.
Reasons for variable times include renegade police officers on power-trips, Queenslanders and Learner drivers.

Can proudly say that am getting more and more confident behind wheel. No longer shaking, sweating and hyperventilating for extended periods of time. Parts of driving-experience, in fact, is becoming automated. As one would expect with the extra experience.

For instance, one dude was tailgating me (have defined tailgating in previous post) and proceeded to make illegal and hazardous overtake on the inside lane in between two roundabouts.
Immediately following this incident found self - without having made concious decision to that effect - pressing foot down hard on accelerator; coming within one metre of the offending vehicle (now in front of me), all the while laughing like madwoman and shouting "How do you like that, huh, how do you like it when I'm up your ......" etcetera.

Once again going to meditate on importance of remaining calm in the face of adversity.

Spent day and a half in Bellingen with auntie Mia, preparing and consuming banana-bread, pizza, pancakes, cinnamon rolls and so on. Behaved like what I have come to term a "junk-vegetarian." Is lovely to be one every once in a while.

Yet, important to recognise that vegetarians and vegans who promote high-carb diets (because this is the most healthy diet long-term) are surprisingly not referring to those particular foods (refined flour and sugar). Similarly, would not advise vegetarians to replace meat (an animal protein) with dairy (another animal protein). Could go on for hours, but will give it a rest for today.

Have loads of lovely Bellingen-pictures that have promised auntie Mia to upload, enjoy:

View from auntie Mia's residence

Pizza, the cornerstone of any high-carb diet

Bellingen River Festival

"Verandah Days" - poem heard at poetry reading, also Mia's description of life in Bellingen.