Sunday 29 September 2013

Worried Bub

Bub very worried last night. Achieved record of waking half an hour after falling asleep, then cried like there was no way she could cope with all the world's problems. Poor bub. Took three hours to sort out.

I changed the nappy. For fresh start. Put bub back in cot. Bub looks me straight in the eye and, I swear to god, smiles. Then poops.

I change the nappy. Bub goes back in cot, turns over on her belly, and poops.

I change the nappy.

We play "roll over" for another two hours then bub sleeps. For two hours.

I think all this is an important developmental stage. Bub is simply very intelligent.

Monday 23 September 2013

Sleep Facts and Sweden

Sleep fact: three hours in a row is better than four spread out over the night. But one solid hour is better than a half hour.

Up throughout night with bub every 90 minutes. First wake at 8.30pm, that is to say - not even I was even in bed at that time. She's going for some kind of new record.

I know. Am harping on about sleep. It's true that parents speak of sleep like a starving person speaks of food.

Of course, keep hearing and reading about babies who sleep from 6 to 6 and such. Who nap for a total of 5 hours per day and still mommy gets concerned when they sleep less. 5 hours. You're fucking kidding me.

A friend had a baby at the same time as me. She seems to have a schedule allowing for bikram yoga and outings to cafes. Hmm. Jealous. Do not deny friend this. It's just that... are our babies actually from different planets?

I think I should be able to get back to yoga when bub is one year old. Hopefully. If all goes well.

We're still in Sweden. Have loved this time with family and friends. Bub travels quite well, am not concerned about jet lag. Doesn't sleep anyway etcetera.

Have one week to go. Going to be very sad to leave. But then... I get to spend some time in the Byron paradise so can't complain.