Sunday 19 August 2007


Spent weekend in Bratislava - smaller and sweeter than Budapest where thought things were few and far between (and hot as in hell itself). Met an aussie and an Irish dude and hung out with them and a couple of locals - drinking shots of god-knows-what until all hours of the mornings. Fun. Had one big night in Split too actually, but cannot remember most of same so did not mention on blog until now. Anyhow.

Today went to Devin - a small village just outside Bratislava - to check out an old castle ruin. Or, as Angelica would say, stare at old piles of rock. Bratislava old-town is beautiful, but town surrounded by communist-type apartment complexes. Another memory of said era: ugly highway built right in middle of town on TOP OF an old mosque and just missing an old church (or so we were told). Interesting.

Tomorrow heading to Prague via train.

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