Thursday 22 November 2007

Wednesday, a confusing mid-week day...

Confused. Not Monday. Or Friday. Or even Sunday afternoon. OK, should stop obsessing about what day it is.

This is the new thing: Destructive and harmful things that keep doing to self even though realise is destructive and harmful:
1. Drinking tea late at night, so have to go to loo in middle of night when is below freezing (particularly in loo)
2. Eating 4 or more servings of pasta and sauce at once
3. Eating an entire Toblerone after dinner (substitute chocolate bar / packet of biscuits / bag of lollies etcetera)
4. Wearing contact lenses for faaaaaaar more than recommended 2 weeks, resulting in very sore eyes
5. Wasting time on facebook, blog, and so on, when should be doing something constructive

And that's not even touching on beer-drinking and such.

Oh bugger it. Tomorrow is Serj Tankian! Hurrah! Going to drink beer by fountain and then go to gig.

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