Saturday 30 March 2013

Week 36, Business End

I struggle with motivation. To write, to go for walks, to do anything around the house really. Partly because I'm rather lazy of course. But anything involving moving around really is hard. Do not wish to understate this.

Clearly I am thrilled, thrilled, thrilled to be having a baby. To be so lucky and so fortunate.

But my knees are literally buckling under the pressure. Finding myself watching Biggest Loser (nothing else was on, ok!!!) and instead of laughing heartlessly at the contestants feeling a great deal of... empathy? It's bloody hard to walk, let alone do proper exercise, with all this extra weight on one.

Apart from knees, having some aches and pains in joints and bones just in general. But if this is the only thing then I am still very fortunate.

We're almost there with all the baby-stuff! Have got all the essentials and only missing some bits and pieces - which will all come together I'm sure.

In the outside world, the Bluesfest is on. We had tickets. We sold tickets. For a long time I was hoping I would be able to go, but when I started to be unable to walk - and grew out of all my shoes and boots (around 20 weeks) I abandoned this hope. Hubby, however, got a job at the festival instead, so will be able to catch some music.

When we bought the tickets (April last year, early-bird special) I said, and I remember this like it was yesterday, "I can't think of any reason we would not be going!"

Well, there was one!

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