Monday 14 April 2014

First Steps!

Finally! She's been on her way for ages, guessing going to the Dam and staying in a lovely but small houseboat, jet lag, and a new found hatred of food - caused the delay.

If any bits are present in the food - bub literally makes herself vomit. Frightening, I may never draw breath again-face, then cascade of vomit with everything we just cajoled into her. So I'm back to purees. Mixed with yogurt. The child refuses to even glance at a bit of pear or a piece of bread. Meanwhile a friend's much younger bub is allegedly already consuming vegemite sandwiches. Hmm.

Bub definitely not in any hurry to grow up.
As for myself, have managed Bikram yoga an impressive number of five times! Woo hoo! I fecking love it. But my waist has definitely seen better days. When bub is nearly one, is it still ok to say "just had a baby" by way of explaining lack of waist?

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