Monday 28 May 2007

Moving out...

Am now at Martin's, Lucinda's and Mia's place, enjoying sleeping all afternoon, drinking wine on balcony etcetera. Last week was mad, had plans to be out every night and come to work hungover without exception every day. Plan did not go well. Started off OK being out Monday, but then had to have night in on Tuesday (only second day of week) as feeling in very poor form. Out again on Wednesday and Thursday, unfortunately felt so ill on Friday ended up actually missing last day of work! I know... extremely poor form in deed. Sort of thing that would happen to anyone.

Moving out on Saturday involved Craig still being pissed from night before and us both running around hysterically shouting "where the fuck is everything, and oh god pantry still full of food how could we miss that" and so on. Were still frantically throwing things into bags when cleaners arrived and started to vacuum around us meanwhile talking to each other in mandarin and laughing. Hmm. Finally left flat, returned keys and spent arvo and evening at the Glenroy with friends, ended up being rather big night actually. Someone who I had thought to be a really close friend failed to show over stupid misunderstanding, so quite sad and upset - but managed to keep cool and not text / call (even at 4 in morning, very good).

Have some really close friends in Sydney tho, and will miss them dearly.

So here we go.

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