Sunday 6 May 2007


Back from wedding. Think maybe Martina and Kosta were a little fed up with Craig and I acting like children – insisting on stopping for junk-food, eating in car leaving lingering smell of junk-food and so on.

Arrived a bit later than the others on Friday, as took scenic route via Melbourne. Then went out for dinner at Bowling Club in Jindy, where Nadia had the following conversation with bartender:
N – “We’ll have four coronas please.”
B – “They are very expensive.”
N – “Uhm… that’s fine… Do you have lime for those?”
B – “Er… no, we have a bit of lemon - but it’s not very fresh.”
N – “Alright… Cancel that order actually. What do you recommend?”
B – “Carlton Draught is pretty popular!”


Later on in evening got offered $50 for my underwear; which after brief deliberation decided was very good, as underwear from Target and worth $8. So shot into bathroom to get underwear off (already had the $50). Unfortunately for the buyer I was too slow, so he lost his bet with his mates. He ended up paying me $50 and also his mate $50. Also threw in two beers for myself and Craig! Really was very good deal (apart from for buyer). Later on he showed us picture of his mate wearing my undies. Sometimes seems mad people are everywhere.

Saturday was wedding. Bec was gorgeous of course, whole evening was really good; great food, string quartet, candles etcetera. Only thing was everyone kept bringing up phrases like “Today I marry my best friend,” “the key to marriage is friendship,” cheers to friendship,” etcetera, so kept having mental image of self marrying Sarah, both wearing white – gazing into each others eyes blissfully. Was most peculiar.
Really feel very strongly that I will never marry my best friend, but rather marriage and friendships are probably areas of life kept best apart. I mean, when husband goes mad one must be able to turn to friends, and when friends go mad one can turn to husband. Not to mention spending entire time with just one person would be awful! Right?

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