Sunday 25 March 2012

In Case of Rain - and Difficulty in Getting to Know People

Bit of a slow afternoon... Have finished getting house sorted for arrival of guests. Only, not sure if guests arriving any moment, tonight - or indeed - tomorrow. So don't want to start some project and create a mess, now that have just finished cleaning. You know.

Also started doing some sweeping of driveway, weeding etcetera - but gave up as started to rain. If this is "mostly sunny" (forecast for today) - then am not looking forward to "showers" (forecast for week). Hmm. What to do with guests in case of rain?

Should make a list. Things to do in and around Byron, in case of rain.
1. Ehm... drink?
2. Nothing else comes to mind.

Anyway, will be good to have some people round. Some interaction, with others. When this is lacking, one can easily become socially awkward. Like shift-workers.

Suspect am not all that popular in street. You see, neighbours had party the other night, to which suspect entire world was invited. Except us. Cannot imagine why!

Unless... there was the time Angry Anna asked local children to get the (...) off driveway. And sort of kept to selves for a while when first moved in (on purpose). But a few weeks ago made the effort to go over and say hello, chat for a bit, as you do. Or should I say - as other people do. When I do it, it comes off weird.

Am not at all mad that was not invited - that is not what am saying! They don't know us from a bar of soap. Am merely wondering - how DO people get to know each other??? Becasue I can't seem to get to know anybody.

Apart from Louise. Good old Louise!


Smugglosmurf said...

Hihi, jag är likadan. 99% av tiden bryr jag mig inte om folk i allmänhet. Sedan plötsligt, out of nowhere, känner jag att jag måste bonda, sådär som folk gör. Så då försöker jag vara jättetrevlig och social, men det blir bara krystat och ibland direkt svettframkallande.
Skitsamma, de är garanterat korkade ändå. En majoritet av folk är ju faktiskt det.

Anna said...

Du har säkert rätt. Och på nåt sätt lär man ju känna vissa trots allt - vi har väl varit likadana hela livet, och ändå känner vi... minst tre pers var? hihi

Emmy said...

Det är så svårt att lära känna folk... Det var lättare när man var ute och reste... Men bloggar är ju ett bra sätt! Funderar på att dra ihop ett svenskt bloggnätverk i Australien, du kanske vill vara Qld ambassadör? =) Kram

Boel i Sydney said...

Jag ar likadan, kan typ namnet pa en enda granne (och vi bor i en cul-de-sac med manga grannar).

Anna said...

Emmy - ja ett blogg nätverk låter kul! Byron ligger ju i NSW, men ganska nära QLD...