Sunday 16 February 2014

New Routine

Again having issues logging in... maybe it's me.

My presence stuffs up technological things. Also breaks lightbulbs. Including ones that are supposedly lifetime guaranteed. Someone should do a study on me.

Update on exercise regime: Not going well.

Bub has changed routine. We appear to be on a new schedule. Thus far approximately:

- Wake up 7am.
- Be extremely tired and grumpy but not tired enough to nap, until 11am.
- Fall asleep on bottle, leave behind extremely stressed mother.
- Be awake all afternoon, whilst being tired and grumpy but not tired enough to nap.
- Be overtired and refuse to fall asleep, have 1-2 hour tantrum and pass out around 9pm, leave behind parents with a lack of will to live.

The End.

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