Thursday 27 February 2014

Out of Dodge

So I can log in via the laptop but not the phone. For inexplicable, inconceivable reason. Thus a plan has taken shape to convince hubby he needs a new laptop so I can have this one. So my writing career can finally take off. Hrm.

We have left the Big Smoke. I repeat, we have left Sydney. And not a moment too soon! Moving day traumatic as ever, running round like headless chickens chucking things randomly in bags, boxes and shopping bags - whilst trying to clean up. Bub proved to be a bigger obstruction than ever; demanding constant attention, even managing to develop teething symptoms, runny nose AND vomiting all at once.

Finally we were all packed. Sort of. A few things didn't fit. Car is just a Commodore after all.

The freedom of being out of the City is incredible. I can breathe again.

Bub has had a few whiny days, but seems to be eating and sleeping well - so there is hope. Just for the record, she is back to two naps per day...

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