Monday 30 June 2014


As surprising as it may be, I'm not really the mothering type. Not the natural born earth-mother with one kid on each arm, making muffins with one foot and making a bed with the other. Or whatever it is these people do. 

It has been much more trial and error for me. Mostly error. 

I struggled with sleep deprivation, I struggled with chores, and I struggled with routine. I have never been able to deal with routine. 

Suddenly a small human is placed in your care; and it requires feeding on a regular schedule. It requires sleep on a regular schedule. Not, mind you, for 8 hours every night (that's a different chapter). And if you attempt to be "flexible" and "impulsive" the small human will be extremely pissed off and your day will be in ruins. Nothing will work. It only works if you stick to the dreaded routine.

And yet she is the most perfect little creature I have ever seen, and hands down the best thing we ever did. Love you, Beanie. 

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