Wednesday 2 July 2014

Quitting an Addiction

I'm considering quitting books.

I think I am addicted to reading. Probably have been for years. Only it hasn't really presented a problem before. Reading or watching telly? Reading or going out? Reading or sleeping? Reading or... you get the idea. But now I am finding that I simply don't have the time to read. I mean I DO... when bub is asleep.

Here is a list of a few of the things that should happen whilst bub is asleep;

  • shopping
  • cooking
  • eating 
  • washing bottles
  • tidying
  • laundry
  • general cleaning
  • grooming such as nail-clipping, hair-combing etcetera

And eventually when we get home;

  • house renovating
  • gardening (oh dear Lord)
  • yoga 

(and yes I know some of these things can be done with bub, but that is another post)

Thus leaving just enough time to get into a book. And then thinking about it for the entire time I am doing the above. Sometimes, even - sadly (please don't judge me) whilst playing with and caring for bub. The thought will arrive - "Gee that book is great, I wonder when I'll have a moment to read it?!"
Occasionally with more urgency than is comfortable.

Some people possibly feel this way about their smartphones... based on their interactions with phones in public, including when caring for children. I don't want to be a mother like that - only with a book instead of a phone.

So what to do?

I can see only one way out of this.



Anonymous said...

Absolutely not! Reading is what keep people sane, and so what if you're addicted? Things could be worse, you could be addicted to ... well pretty much anything else. Bieber?

Anna said...

Well I do have an addictive personality lol