Sunday 20 July 2014


Filled with dread. Fighting off panic. Quietly, so nobody will feel uncomfortable.

Another passenger jet down. Another.

I simply do not care whether flying is still statistically safe. Nothing will happen, to us. The chance is so slim. Almost non-existent. Driving is more dangerous - and whilst I can believe that (hrm), if you're in a car crash you might be OK. If you're in a crashing plane you're toast. Done for. No two ways about it. I'm sure everyone on every plane says nothing will happen to them, flying is safe. Yet - two down in a few short months.

I live in Australia. My family lives in Sweden.

I really, really, don't care about statements from some airlines that they will avoid a certain space above eastern Ukraine. It means nothing. Less than nothing. Firstly, they are probably lying. Secondly, they all fly over Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan etcetera, anyway. And if someone in Ukraine has a weapon that can shoot down an airliner that high up - country borders do not matter.

Also, I don't want to hear crap like if it's your time it's your time. There is no such thing as fate, only chance. Cruel, bad luck or the opposite; luck. It's not written (sorry, but that's bullshit).

We leave Tuesday week.

I have no will (too morbid) but...

All I want is for everyone to be happy. If for some reason we don't make it, know that I wanted to sit on a verandah with you all in 30 years time; drink cheap wine and smoke illegal tobacco - looking back and laughing.
And my mother gets half the house. That is all.


Anonymous said...

Darling! When I'm freaking out about something I find it (slightly) helpful to focus on the day after whatever it is that's frightens me. When it's behind me and just a memory that I eventually will forget. Like, I will drink an enormous cappuccino and read a book in bed all day, or I will have a glass of wine on the balcony.

Anonymous said...

I can see it now! There I am in Sydney City dealing with a howling jetlagged one year old! ;-)