Tuesday 30 August 2011

A Wedding Album

On New Years Eve 2009 me and hubby celebrated signing our lives away, to each other! Was very happy occasion, ever since then have been planning to put together a Wedding Album. And now, finally, at long last, better late than never, and so on: we are Getting Round To It..! Most of the photos are not as great as had remembered, some suggest party was quite the drinking bash rather than civilized affair that I recollect. Odd.

Fact is, we legally tied the knot a little while prior to actual wedding party. Simply had to weigh cost of hiring celebrant on New Years Eve, against being able to spend a couple of grand more on beer. And so it happened that we got legally married on a rainy Tuesday afternoon in November of -09, at the Registry Office in Sydney. A few photos from this day exist, was just looking through them.
One of hubby signing piece of paper. One of me signing piece of paper. One of best man signing piece of paper. One of bridesmaid signing piece of paper. Then one that hubby proceeded to take of a pigeon eating vomit at the bus stop right outside Registry Office. Romantic? Well, we got to keep the pen!

But our real wedding day will always be New Years Eve, that was the day we exchanged rings and provided our closest friends with too much booze and not enough food. That was the day I worried myself sick over the weather forecast (it didn't rain!), and forced my feet into my something-borrowed high heels. In the end everyone had a blast and partied all night. Bride ended up falling asleep on couch around 5am, Groom fell asleep in backyard after not being able to locate Bride. A good night!

Could not really have traditional, formal, due with all the bells and whistles when most of my family and all of my friends from before the year 2002 are in Sweden. So we did it our way - and would not change a thing. Was a backyard wedding on the tiniest budget one can imagine - yet my mother and stepfather (especially flown in from Sweden for the occasion) said it was the BEST wedding they had ever been to.

Here are my fave snaps from the day...


Charlotte said...

Så fina!

Lina said...

Vilket härligt bröllop ni verkar ha haft, jag älskar bröllop i alla former. Det är ju ett bevis på kärlek!

Vad roligt att du hittade till min blogg som du säger är det jättekul att läsa vad andra svenskar pysslar med här i Australien. Jag kommer absolut att kika in i din blogg ofta.

Boel i Sydney said...

Vad harligt att bo i Byron Bay, alskar det stallet! Nu har jag en till `svensk i Australien'-blogg att folja, roligt! :)