Friday 26 August 2011

Bikram & Beaches

Went down to Belongil Beach this morning, which is location of Yoga Studio! A word on Bikram Yoga: Tough! Not just lying down on floor breathing and sighing - this is exercise. Yet, much more enjoyable. Let's just say I have been to the gym exactly twice - around 8 years ago. Only went the second time because had purchased pre-paid card with 10 classes on it. Am quite sure the final eight are beyond their expiry date by now. Anyway - Bikram... Love it!

Weather is just right at the moment; one can enjoy a couple of hours of reading on the beach, in full sun, which in two months time you would have to be positively suicidal to attempt. Belongil Beach today:

Finally a Happy Snap from Main Beach today:

Am off now to make a couple of vegan dips to go with my preservative free, locally brewed, beer. Happy Weekend!


Emmy said...

Hej! Vad kul att du hittade min blogg! Ska bli roligt att följa din OZ experience =) jag bloggar nästan alltid på svenska, eftersom jag knappt har några svenska vänner här, men nu har jag ett nytt experiment att skriva på engelska någon gång i veckan. Kram och ha en fin helg!

Anonymous said...

Låter helt ok, livet i Byron Bay.