Thursday 10 November 2011

Handling Annoyance in Zen-like Way

How annoying - can not read comments / leave comments or edit my blog's design. Why?

Why oh why?

Is it OR has the domain in fact identified me as somebody around who technical things must never work smoothly for any extended period of time?

It could even be the laptop. The laptop has previously proven itself capable of identifying me as opposed to other users (hubby) and choosing to malfunction only when I am using it.

Best to simply accept situation and move on. In zen-like fashion.

First time we got labelled "zen-like" was in Amsterdam. Hubby (then boyfriend) and I had recently started to transform into calmer, more serene individuals - but had not realised to what extent we had done so, until a friend came to stay with us. We bought some food at markets, our friend stated we could heat food up in microwave - hubby and I adamant we did not HAVE microwave - our friend insisted we DID.


Hubby and I had not noticed it.
Is the sort of thing that can pass one by when one is in the middle of meditating or similar.

Garden Statue - relating to new lifestyle involving meditation

A zen-joke:
Don't just do something. Sit there!

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