Wednesday 18 July 2012

Day 13: this makes me feel better


Laptop broke down again.

Strike everything said about what makes me upset; replace with "stupid effing laptops and most other technology."

It is here now. But perhaps time to start looking round for different set-up..?

Anyway, had another tooth pulled out, which was equally pleasant and nice as previous time. Actually was better. Started to freak out for some reason - so got given lovely sedative drugs; which thoroughly enjoyed. Am usually quite clean-living so all this drug-taking is a novel reminder of days gone by. Slept all day that day, then laptop broke down.

So what makes one feel better when depressed, is the question?

1. Chocolate
2. Wine
3. A full season of Desperate Housewives on DVD

Glad that is clarified.

1 comment:

Boel i Sydney said...

Vin och choklad botar det mesta :)