Saturday 15 June 2013

Catch Up

Catch up today with antenatal group.

Chose the totally logical meeting point of... a pub. Think hubby and I simply do not know how to organise catch ups anywhere else, due to lack of experience.

It was great to see everyone plus bubs - and listen to every birthing, baby and breastfeeding experience. No one's had an easy ride.

Sometimes early motherhood is a lonely existence. Both because, well, you're home alone most of the time with baby - but also because you feel so alone in the world wondering if anybody else has struggled like this, do other women cry when they breastfeed or just ME?

They do. It's not so lonely after all.

PS. Having a baby is still great. I love her and couldn't imagine life without. That doesn't mean it's all smooth sailing. The devil is in the details, as they say. But it's going better and better.

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