Saturday 27 September 2014

Starting Something?

Am contemplating starting my own business. Last time I tried my hands at being a career-woman, was gigantic failure, nothing like imagined siting in bed with laptop on knee sipping cup of tea happily moaning over workload, that sort of thing; no, was just utter horrible enormous waste of time which made me feel depressed, fat and well... like I was wasting my time.

Therefore I am having doubts.

Will it work? Will there be enough time for bub, shopping, cooking, cleaning, exercise and... work? How do other people do this work-thing successfully?

Am I smart enough? Used to think of myself as quite intelligent indeed. Using the benchmark "other people." It's possible I was reasonably on top of things. At 18. Prior to nearly 20 years of bodily abuse mostly in the form of red wine (mostly).

Now I am not so sure.

Oh. Baby awake.

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