Monday 24 October 2011

The day after the night before

Bit hungover to be perfectly honest.

Have matured greatly in the last few years - am proud to announce that at the suggestion of tequila shots, I said NO! Ha!
Am responsible adult! In place of tequila I may have suggested a bottle of champagne... But still.

Have eaten the following already:
1. Peanut-butter and banana toast
2. Raspberry and Chocolate muffin
3. Three gigantic mugs of coffee
4. Several glasses of water with electrolytes (as hubby does not permit Coke in house)

Oh look, it is lunch-time!


Boel i Sydney said...

hahaha, later som du kurerarde den baksmallan ordentligt!:)

Anna said...

Ja, peanutbutter & banana toast är ett hett tips.