Friday 21 October 2011

Mazes and Nets (still at war?)

Realise storyline about bush-turkey starting to take on obsessive proportions.

Nevertheless, must share latest move in war.
You see, I do not believe we can have won so easily. No. Something is up. The bush-turkey is present somewhere around the house, awaiting the right time to make its move.
Therefore, is vital that we do not slack off, that we do not assume danger has past.

These are my latest tactics:


Figured bush-turkey way too stupid to navigate its way through maze of bricks.
Was wrong. Saw it casually strolling through a number of times, eyeing off veggie-patch; most likely thinking something along lines of "Oh look - more material for the nest that I have temporarily taken a break from building, which I will resume building at my earliest convenience."

(Incidentally - my mind's bush-turkey always has a British accent. Curious.)


Decided, on recommendation from organic-seedling-dude from farmers markets, to place net over garden. Easy enough?

Hubby and I just undertook this task - joyfully and with great ease, effortlessly cutting net to size and arranging it on bamboo poles, etcetera - all the while telling each other how lovely life is and how much we love each other.

Yeah - and pigs fly.

Eventually the bloody-stupid-net-thing was up, sort of.

We seem to have... a couple of gaps. Hopefully (fingers AND toes crossed) bush-turkey too stupid to notice gaps.

Hubby and I are now calming selves with nice soothing glass (read: bottle) of red wine.


Jenny said...

Haha, älskar att läsa om Anna & hubby vs the Bush-turkey. Sitter och småskrattar för mig själv! :)

Anna said...

hehe, kul att höra! :-)