Friday 16 December 2011

Christmas!!! And a word on gift-giving.

Christmas is around the corner!

Have a feeling that I will not be blogging as often as usual over the holidays - will be busy doing other things. Mainly cooking, eating, eating and eating.

Oh, and driving.

Am most excited to see how various relaxation techniques and meditation practises have increased ability to stay calm behind wheel. I shall say as I always say - it's not me, it's them.

We do not do Christmas presents.

Personally I have a long history of detesting the practise of buying useless stuff nobody wants just because you are supposed to have something. In late childhood and early teens the having of something used to consist of bags and bags (seriously - think 30-40 bags and counting) of stuff. Mainly for siblings. A few for me. After hours of fun (sitting around watching everyone open gift after gift) the stuff would inevitably end up in other (or the same, recycled) bags - rest temporarily in basement - and continue on with life at the op-shop.

For the sake of peace-preservation I must now point out that it was not Mother who was responsible for the stuff-mania, rather her parents-in-law. It was very well intended. Don't get me wrong.

But ever since I have a phobia of buying anything which does not have a specific use - particularly around holidays.

Yes. Have lived in the same house for a year, and lo and behold - empty rooms and bare walls - as have not been able to acquire the customary amount of stuff yet. I rest assured it will happen in time.

Hubby is like me. Now.
He did not used to be, though he likes to think that he was.

I beginning of relationship it was not uncommon for me to hold something up (pinched between thumb and index-finger) in front of my then boyfriend and ask in an inquisitive (sour) voice, nose slightly wrinkled and upturned: "What on earth is this..? What do you use it for..? What do you mean nothing..? Can we throw it away?"

Whereupon hubby would answer something about not messing with his awesome rag-doll full of paint and lipstick, with nails all through it - just as an example.

Anna: 0, Hubby: 1 = He still has that doll.*

But I digress!

Was actually just going to say Merry Christmas. Spend your time with friends and family, your money on food, your energy on each other - and don't waste anything on useless procurement, storage and disposal!



See! See?!?


Nadja said...

Haha vilken creepy docka! Jag kör bara på julklappar till nära familj och vänner och då sånt som jag vet att de faktiskt vill ha/gillar. Har slutat ge skräp till morbröder och kusiner och sånt.

Emmy said...

Eiiiw, dockan ser rätt läskig ut... Håller med om pryl- och presentcirkusen, skrev ett inlägg om det hos mig härom dagen.. Kram