Tuesday 27 December 2011

NYE Resolutions?

Merry Christmas!

That is that for another year. Mind, still have New Years Eve to stress over. But not intending to start stressing about NYE until the 30th. Plenty of time to sort out some food, surely. Especially if do re-run of Christmas Menu. Which, am pleased to say, went without hitch.

After all that. After numerous mishaps and thrown away sand-balls; the Christmas batch of lentil-balls whizzed together and formed perfect looking balls as if to say "what - me..? I never went on strike, what are you talking about. Rubbish."

Have had generally bad weather. But on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day it was beautiful and sunny - went for swims etcetera; made sure to snap some photos to show family and friends in Sweden whilst gloating about our brilliant weather. Meanwhile, am now sitting indoors wearing uggs, scarf and sweater.


Is it normal to come up with some NYE resolutions? Is that something that people do?
Do not remember doing this, ever. Apart, of course, from drunken heat of the moment ones every year, such as : will definitely drink less, not smoke, lose 5 kilos, call home more often and so on.

Real ones would take a little more thought...


Thinking is not strong point.

Get a tan?

1 comment:

Emmy said...

Don't believe in NY resolutions, prefer vague goals or potential development areas :-)