Thursday 5 January 2012

I Bloody Hate Cricket!

Every so often, I attempt to take an interest in what Hubby is doing. This promotes a happy and harmonic relationship which can thrive as both partners share the same values and interests.

Have learnt to say things like:

"Was it a busy day at the Shop - was the swell up, what was the vis like?" This is scuba-diver-speak for "Were the waves too high, was the water clear?"

He thereby knows that I take an active interest in his day; and what he enjoys doing the most. Nevermind would rather wrestle a polar-bear than go diving.

Another great example: Rugby League. Know what team to like (the Tigers) and which teams to hate (all others), know the key players and and at which point during games to yell "Off-side!!!" or "That's a penalty!" or "They would have been even if such-and-such had converted the last two tries."

All this is very good for peace-keeping.

But one thing, every year the same - trips me up and ruins my every good intention.


I bloody hate cricket.

The minute cricket-term is spoken, cricket comes on TV or on Radio - even during evening news: Brain instantly switches off, tunes out, goes on holiday. Try as I might: CANNOT under ANY circumstances remember the tiniest bit of trivia concerning cricket. No phrases. No rules. No nothing.

Just did it again (tried). Said to Hubby whilst walking past TV during seemingly endless "game" -
"How is the cricket going?" Only to immediately realise my mistake adding "Don't answer, I am not listening."

Cricket would have to be, without a doubt, the dumbest and most boring sport known to man.

My personal hell would have nothing to do with fire. In my personal hell we watch cricket - all day every day for the rest of eternity.

Coincidentally, this is the actual length of a game.

An exciting moment in a cricket-game...


Emmy said...

I bloody hate cricket. Pointless, slow and snobby game. T loves it but does not make me watch at least, much rather do the dishes than watch cricket (sad illutration of how boring it is!). xx

Anna said...

You can do dishes, clean the house, wash your sheets, fix your garden - retire - that is how long these games are! :-)

Lina said...

Agreed, I hate the bloody game!

Johanna said...

Varför ligger de ner på det där sinnessvaga sättet? Verkar vara bisarr sport.