Monday 30 January 2012

Rescue Remedy!

Last year had applied to course in Creative Writing, which was very excited about - and pinned all future hopes on. In the end course got cancelled.

They are offering it again this year.

Will I apply?

Possible upsides: Meeting interesting people; becoming successful author.
Possible downsides: Meeting tiresome eccentrics; not becoming successful author.

Hmm. Hmm.

Have noticed some indecision in myself recently.

Luckily, there is a cure. For everything. Had not previously heard of miracle that is Rescue Remedy.

According to Wikipedia, Rescue Remedy has never been proven to have any efficacy at all beyond the placebo-effect. This does not worry me at all, as have long held belief that most medications work in this way.* So, Rescue Remedy is bound to work better than most medications - given that it contains brandy.

Just tried if for a headache. Gone!

Will have some later for indecision.

Then some for hearing scratching and shuffling noises in roof (could, admittedly, be possum).

Then some for becoming hysterical at mere sight of tree-snake (not a sustainable situation given location of house and size of garden).

Then some for insomnia.

This really is fantastic. Have found the hippy version of Valium! Which is nice because did not feel like going to doctors again lying about being afraid of flying and needing something for a long-haul flight - oh-valium-really-well-if-you-say-so-yes-I-know-it's-addictive-now-hand-em-over.

You know.


*Not, however, Nurofen. Nurofen is bloody great. Unfortunately it may no longer be part of ones life once one has decided to take a more, shall we say, mindful and enlightened, path. No drugs for me, no thanks. Hand me the bottle of Rescue Remedy instead!

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