Monday 28 May 2012

Molasses Muffins

Decided to experiment with a new ingredient yesterday.

Had been informed by various sources (mainly alternative health, naturopaths and so on) that molasses is great to eat, an excellent source of this-that-and the-other. So bought some. Thought, is like sugar, is it not? It is not.

Mother was horrified when told and tried convincing me that molasses is stuff that cows eat. And horses, sometimes. Not people!

Decided to ignore mother, and googled some "healthy" recipes for molasses-muffins. Got to work.
Put everything together, slightly concerned about horrid smell and awful oily appearance of molasses. Nevermind, hubby and I said, it will be better once it's cooked.

Once cooked, muffins looked great! Fluffy, beautiful colour - what one might expect from a muffin.

The first bite was bad. The second bite was terrible. After the third bite I was crying.
Hubby, knowing it is not safe to criticize my cooking - made choking noises and claimed muffins to be worst thing he had ever eaten in entire life, all categories. Assuming this includes revolting oyster-shots he used to drink - this is very bad judgement.

Healthy molasses-muffins now sitting on bench ridiculing me. Accusing me of wasting food if I do not eat all of them. All TEN of them...

Temporarily I forget my greater goal (becoming a hippy) and curse silently to self; Bloody hippies and their bloody health... triple choc vanilla muffins - here I come!

Don't be fooled!

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