Summer. Summer, summer, summer.
Preferably a real stinker, rendering everyone else uselessly sprawling across lounges underneath AC-units, panting and begging for mercy.
At the moment we are in winter! Remember my NYE-resolution of walking on beach every day at sunrise? Well. Finally done it! Not exactly sunrise, as such though. But at least was early!
Nice, right?
Until we picked up a piece of plastic.
And another one.
And another.
You can't stop.
This is only about ten minutes worth... on one of the most pristine beaches around. Truly.
Noticed as part of the list that I will write about things that upset me... Well, here is a taste.
Plastic, and other assorted garbage ending up in the ocean! Because people are ignorant, lazy and wasteful. Buying CRAP we do not need, replacing things that are not broken. Littering.
Plastic in oceans kill wildlife and end up inside fish; thus polluting the food-supply of those who still believe it is a good idea to eat fish (sure, there are some health-benefits, though nothing we cannot get from other sources - which are far less detrimental to the earth, and far less toxic).
When was last time you heard about this on the news? Right, me neither. On news this morning (admittedly, channel 7, but still): Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes split. Whaaat..? Let me get notebook.
More to come...
Saturday, 30 June 2012
Friday, 29 June 2012
Day 8: my favourite birthday
May I just start off by saying - have worst memory in world. Barely recall last week, let along birthdays long since past.
Also, in general do not like birthdays. Significance of birthday is getting older, plain and simple.
My first age-specific memory (as in, know have got scattered memories from before this, but not sure of age at those times) is turning 5. Remember mother coming into room saying "how does it feel to be five?". My next age-specific memory is turning 26; pahahaha, that was a damn good night. So good in fact, that would not consider spilling the beans on a non-anonymous blog.
I can give you beginning and end. Then you may fill in the blanks.
Beginning: Dressed in all black metal-gear featuring lots of skulls.
- Blank -
End: Jumping into cab, alone, on Oxford Street, Sydney, shouting "let's get the hell out of here, quick!" at approximately 6 am.
Turning 30 was OK as well. Had contracted an eye-infection, but was 30th birthday so had to go out. Hate wearing glasses in public (as are very strong and make me look ridiculous, even more so when suffering eye-infection). Thought best course of action for the night might be to draw attention away from face entirely - so wore something extremely low cut and revealing (which is something normally never do).
Was weird experience wearing glasses in public without anybody teasing me - also had quite a few drinks to get over myself. Cannot walk properly when wearing glasses even sober - so was a funny evening all in all.
Actually my favourite birthday is going to be turning 40. This has been decided for years. Am having massive party. Yes.
Watch out.
Also, in general do not like birthdays. Significance of birthday is getting older, plain and simple.
My first age-specific memory (as in, know have got scattered memories from before this, but not sure of age at those times) is turning 5. Remember mother coming into room saying "how does it feel to be five?". My next age-specific memory is turning 26; pahahaha, that was a damn good night. So good in fact, that would not consider spilling the beans on a non-anonymous blog.
I can give you beginning and end. Then you may fill in the blanks.
Beginning: Dressed in all black metal-gear featuring lots of skulls.
- Blank -
End: Jumping into cab, alone, on Oxford Street, Sydney, shouting "let's get the hell out of here, quick!" at approximately 6 am.
Turning 30 was OK as well. Had contracted an eye-infection, but was 30th birthday so had to go out. Hate wearing glasses in public (as are very strong and make me look ridiculous, even more so when suffering eye-infection). Thought best course of action for the night might be to draw attention away from face entirely - so wore something extremely low cut and revealing (which is something normally never do).
Was weird experience wearing glasses in public without anybody teasing me - also had quite a few drinks to get over myself. Cannot walk properly when wearing glasses even sober - so was a funny evening all in all.
Actually my favourite birthday is going to be turning 40. This has been decided for years. Am having massive party. Yes.
Watch out.
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Day 7: something I regret
Oooooh, deep. Potentially depressing topic. Of course one must always say "I don't regret anything, all my experiences have made me who I am today!" with chipper smile on face and raised brows.
This, of course, is nothing but lies.
Clearly everyone regrets heaps of things.
Me - on all levels - for instance regret having that bag of chips last night, it was uncalled for and unnecessary. I regret lots of things that I just need to meditate on not regretting.
- Not learning earlier to appreciate small things in life
- Not appreciating how easy school was and making mistake of thinking work might be better (it is not, kids)
- Not being nicer as teen (contributing factor to not having own kids - as kids eventually turn into teens)
- Not being nicer to my mother
Lessons learned from making list of Regrets:
- Appreciate what have
- Be nice to mother
This, of course, is nothing but lies.
Clearly everyone regrets heaps of things.
Me - on all levels - for instance regret having that bag of chips last night, it was uncalled for and unnecessary. I regret lots of things that I just need to meditate on not regretting.
- Not learning earlier to appreciate small things in life
- Not appreciating how easy school was and making mistake of thinking work might be better (it is not, kids)
- Not being nicer as teen (contributing factor to not having own kids - as kids eventually turn into teens)
- Not being nicer to my mother
Lessons learned from making list of Regrets:
- Appreciate what have
- Be nice to mother
Monday, 25 June 2012
Day 6: my blog-name
Not much to tell really: started blog a very long time ago in dark ages pre-facebook and smartphones. Tried a few names which were taken, and eventually landed on life-of-anna. Alas, do not consider that to be true name of blog - name of blog is really "Anna in Australia," and can change at any time depending on mood. And location. In deed, would be idiotic to move to the Maldives and not change name of blog to "Anna in the Maldives."
Mmm. Like sound of that. "Anna in the Maldives." Nice to daydream now that we are in winter here; and only time of day when am not freezing is when in shower. You see, may be 20 degrees and sunny during the day - but as soon as sun sets (around 5pm) it is perhaps 10 degrees. Inside and out. Yes. Insulation - what..?
That is whole other issue.
The famous Aussie laid-back attitude extends to house-building. Floor not straight? No worries, mate! Supporting beam missing? She'll be right, mate! Single pane windows and no insulation? It's all good, bro!
And most of the time they're right, too.
We may get a little cold at times, for a couple of months out of the year - but it's all good really. And this also teaches one the important spiritual lesson of detachment and patience. Not feeling short-tempered in the face of cold hands and feet. Shrugging ones shoulders at minor issues and realising - there is more to life than a perfect appearing house.
Actually am going to stop here. Was going to write some more, but fingers are ice-cold and stiff, keep having to correct spelling mistakes due to not being able to use hands as God intended.
But I'm totally cool with that.
Mmm. Like sound of that. "Anna in the Maldives." Nice to daydream now that we are in winter here; and only time of day when am not freezing is when in shower. You see, may be 20 degrees and sunny during the day - but as soon as sun sets (around 5pm) it is perhaps 10 degrees. Inside and out. Yes. Insulation - what..?
That is whole other issue.
The famous Aussie laid-back attitude extends to house-building. Floor not straight? No worries, mate! Supporting beam missing? She'll be right, mate! Single pane windows and no insulation? It's all good, bro!
And most of the time they're right, too.
We may get a little cold at times, for a couple of months out of the year - but it's all good really. And this also teaches one the important spiritual lesson of detachment and patience. Not feeling short-tempered in the face of cold hands and feet. Shrugging ones shoulders at minor issues and realising - there is more to life than a perfect appearing house.
Actually am going to stop here. Was going to write some more, but fingers are ice-cold and stiff, keep having to correct spelling mistakes due to not being able to use hands as God intended.
But I'm totally cool with that.
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Day 5: this would have been nice to eat today
Hmm. What? Stupid list.
Today would like to eat pretty much the same stuff as every other day.
What would like to eat:
Lasagna (loaded with cheese)
What will eat, instead:
Rice Noodles
Chocolate (is good for you)
So you see, it's all in the mind. In fact, will go make delicious Spirulina-drink right now. Mmm.
Deep green deliciousness...

You wish you had one.
Today would like to eat pretty much the same stuff as every other day.
What would like to eat:
Lasagna (loaded with cheese)
What will eat, instead:
Rice Noodles
Chocolate (is good for you)
So you see, it's all in the mind. In fact, will go make delicious Spirulina-drink right now. Mmm.
Deep green deliciousness...

You wish you had one.
Saturday, 23 June 2012
My House
I loves my house.
House has a few issues of which we were, more or less (mostly less) aware of when moved in. Figured we would "fix up and renovate." As you do. Reasonably quickly became aware that we are not people who know how to "fix up and renovate." Alas, things stay the way they are - but house is most beautiful and best atmosphere ever.

House has a few issues of which we were, more or less (mostly less) aware of when moved in. Figured we would "fix up and renovate." As you do. Reasonably quickly became aware that we are not people who know how to "fix up and renovate." Alas, things stay the way they are - but house is most beautiful and best atmosphere ever.
Friday, 22 June 2012
Nicknames I have had and Why
Not all that many, "Anna" is pretty easy to say.
1. Cilla - when little - totally nonsensical; believe after the neighbours dog.
2. Sickan - after movie character. Do not feel like explaining further. But Swedish people will be familiar with Charles-Ingvar Jönsson...
3. Banana. People using this nickname did so because they knew how much I hated it and it made me angry. This, to some people, was considered funny.
4. Baby. Hubby and I call each other "baby." I know, awwwwww.

Charles-Ingvar Jönsson
1. Cilla - when little - totally nonsensical; believe after the neighbours dog.
2. Sickan - after movie character. Do not feel like explaining further. But Swedish people will be familiar with Charles-Ingvar Jönsson...
3. Banana. People using this nickname did so because they knew how much I hated it and it made me angry. This, to some people, was considered funny.
4. Baby. Hubby and I call each other "baby." I know, awwwwww.

Charles-Ingvar Jönsson
Thursday, 21 June 2012
In My Handbag
This one is easy. Good thing, as have headache and am going to bed.
In handbag:
- Sand
- Sunnies
- Keys
- Calendar
- Wallet
- Loose bits of paper, receipts, tissues etcetera
- Rescue Remedy
- Mobile Phone, style "old"
- A book
- An extra sweather and a scarf, even if 30 degrees outside
In handbag:
- Sand
- Sunnies
- Keys
- Calendar
- Wallet
- Loose bits of paper, receipts, tissues etcetera
- Rescue Remedy
- Mobile Phone, style "old"
- A book
- An extra sweather and a scarf, even if 30 degrees outside
Wednesday, 20 June 2012
Stolen List
Going to steal a list from a friend...
You see, the thing is - cannot think of much to write about at the moment (apart, of course, from intriguing tales about my cooking and baking) and know importance of keeping up writing until such time I work out what my novel is going to be about.
I write in English, that is just what I do... Believe it or not, writing in Swedish takes me a lot longer, and keep having to google words. Yes. So have taken the liberty of translating list into English.
Day 1: introduce myself
Day 2: in my handbag
Day 3: nicknames I have and why
Day 4: my house
Day 5: this would have been nice to eat today
Day 6: my blog-name
Day 7: something I regret
Day 8: my favourite birthday
Day 9: my favourite time of year
Day 10: my day
Day 11: this upsets me
Day 12: this makes me cry
Day 13: this makes me feel better
Day 14: favourite superhero
Day 15: 10 deadly sins
Day 16: my bathroom cupboard
Day 17: my family
Day 18: my faith
Day 19: a first
Day 20: something I miss
Day 21: my fears
Day 22: someone I want to swop lives with for a day
Day 23: my favourite book
Day 24: a moment
Day 25: my motto
Day 26: a bad habit
Day 27: my gumboots
Day 28: something I can't live without
Day 29: En bild från en tid jag saknar
Day 30: my dreams
Day 1: introduce myself
Born in 1980 near Stockholm, Sweden.
Moved a lot - which has remained, kind of, my thing. As such, do not have the same closeness to a location that I feel most people have. Home is not somewhere in particular, home is where I am.
Have always been stubborn and difficult. Am still stubborn and difficult, but a hell of a lot nicer.
Used to be fiercely independent - now am slightly more dependent and rely on hubby for things which would never admit to more devoted feminist-values-oriented friends (that is to say, most Swedish friends). Though this, I feel, is an arrangement which works for us. Why would I pay bills when cannot even work out the sum total of 74-16 without a calculator or tell you the price of a litre of milk (do not drink milk, but that is beside the point)? Why would hubby bake chocolate muffins or scrub shower when, indeed, I would have to do it again anyway..?
But fear not. Am also quite lazy, so would never dream of ironing, sewing or mopping floors (unless Christmas).
Have lived in Madrid, Paris, Orlando (Florida), Stockholm, London, Amsterdam, Sydney and finally - Byron Bay. Living in all these places has finally taught me to appreciate all those things typically Swedish that I spent my teenage years trying to escape from. For the first time in ten years, have got Swedish people around me on a daily basis. Like Swedish Neighbour; together we have bizarre Swenglish conversations nobody could follow except us - even her three year old son tends to stick to English when we get started.
At the moment, life is pretty good.
You see, the thing is - cannot think of much to write about at the moment (apart, of course, from intriguing tales about my cooking and baking) and know importance of keeping up writing until such time I work out what my novel is going to be about.
I write in English, that is just what I do... Believe it or not, writing in Swedish takes me a lot longer, and keep having to google words. Yes. So have taken the liberty of translating list into English.
Day 1: introduce myself
Day 2: in my handbag
Day 3: nicknames I have and why
Day 4: my house
Day 5: this would have been nice to eat today
Day 6: my blog-name
Day 7: something I regret
Day 8: my favourite birthday
Day 9: my favourite time of year
Day 10: my day
Day 11: this upsets me
Day 12: this makes me cry
Day 13: this makes me feel better
Day 14: favourite superhero
Day 15: 10 deadly sins
Day 16: my bathroom cupboard
Day 17: my family
Day 18: my faith
Day 19: a first
Day 20: something I miss
Day 21: my fears
Day 22: someone I want to swop lives with for a day
Day 23: my favourite book
Day 24: a moment
Day 25: my motto
Day 26: a bad habit
Day 27: my gumboots
Day 28: something I can't live without
Day 29: En bild från en tid jag saknar
Day 30: my dreams
Day 1: introduce myself
Born in 1980 near Stockholm, Sweden.
Moved a lot - which has remained, kind of, my thing. As such, do not have the same closeness to a location that I feel most people have. Home is not somewhere in particular, home is where I am.
Have always been stubborn and difficult. Am still stubborn and difficult, but a hell of a lot nicer.
Used to be fiercely independent - now am slightly more dependent and rely on hubby for things which would never admit to more devoted feminist-values-oriented friends (that is to say, most Swedish friends). Though this, I feel, is an arrangement which works for us. Why would I pay bills when cannot even work out the sum total of 74-16 without a calculator or tell you the price of a litre of milk (do not drink milk, but that is beside the point)? Why would hubby bake chocolate muffins or scrub shower when, indeed, I would have to do it again anyway..?
But fear not. Am also quite lazy, so would never dream of ironing, sewing or mopping floors (unless Christmas).
Have lived in Madrid, Paris, Orlando (Florida), Stockholm, London, Amsterdam, Sydney and finally - Byron Bay. Living in all these places has finally taught me to appreciate all those things typically Swedish that I spent my teenage years trying to escape from. For the first time in ten years, have got Swedish people around me on a daily basis. Like Swedish Neighbour; together we have bizarre Swenglish conversations nobody could follow except us - even her three year old son tends to stick to English when we get started.
At the moment, life is pretty good.
Sunday, 17 June 2012
Friday, 15 June 2012
Terrible Cook
Have for a few years now fancied myself as a bit of a genius in the kitchen, much like Nigella Lawson-style-Masterchef-contestant (if were ever to be on TV).
Readers of this blog may have noticed it.
Now, however, I think it is high time for me to revise this optimistic view of my cooking skills. The truth is: am really not all that great.
Attempted something new today. Something "easy" which, incidentally, had seen on Masterchef recently. French Toast. Too easy, for a whiz like myself!
Recipe??? Pfffffft!!! Not needed. On we go.
What eventually ended up on plate was not French Toast. Not sure what it was - but definitely not French Toast. Sadly. Was horrible soggy mess scented with cinnamon. Hubby was deeply disappointed.
Hubby "Why can't you just use a recipe?!"
Me "I never use a recipe, cooking is so easy!"
Hubby "I would enjoy eating more if you did."
Me "I would enjoy your company more if you shut up."
But. Most not be angry. He was right. Am terrible cook.
Readers of this blog may have noticed it.
Now, however, I think it is high time for me to revise this optimistic view of my cooking skills. The truth is: am really not all that great.
Attempted something new today. Something "easy" which, incidentally, had seen on Masterchef recently. French Toast. Too easy, for a whiz like myself!
Recipe??? Pfffffft!!! Not needed. On we go.
What eventually ended up on plate was not French Toast. Not sure what it was - but definitely not French Toast. Sadly. Was horrible soggy mess scented with cinnamon. Hubby was deeply disappointed.
Hubby "Why can't you just use a recipe?!"
Me "I never use a recipe, cooking is so easy!"
Hubby "I would enjoy eating more if you did."
Me "I would enjoy your company more if you shut up."
But. Most not be angry. He was right. Am terrible cook.
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Broken Laptop and Dash to Melbourne
Laptop decided to break down last week. No warning.
Pile of garbage...
Noticed laptop was using battery instead of simply using power provided by wall socket. Typical computer-behaviour I figured, deciding to ignore it. Thought, perhaps laptop will realise need to use regular power once battery is out. Logical, right? No. Hubby, when home from work, could hardly believe my stupidity. Had let laptop completely run out of battery, rendering it stone-dead. Once again have been reminded that computers do not operate according to logical and rational rules. Technology is a mystery of infinite proportions. In any case, unreachable to me. That is why do not have iphone.
Finally have it back! Is amazing how can hardly live without a computer these days. Do not care very much for mobile phone, ipod, ipad, etcetera - but definitely cannot exist without laptop. Was saying to hubby the damn thing is almost brand new! Hubby explained patiently that 2.5 years is about the lifespan of a laptop, and means is no longer brand new.
Oh. Ok then. Typical wasteful consumerist society always at the root of all evil. Designed to be landfill. Nonetheless... need one.
Actually decided to make last minute high-flier dash to Melbourne! Here are some photos from Phillip Island which snapped before camera-battery died.
(pile of garbage)

Pile of garbage...
Noticed laptop was using battery instead of simply using power provided by wall socket. Typical computer-behaviour I figured, deciding to ignore it. Thought, perhaps laptop will realise need to use regular power once battery is out. Logical, right? No. Hubby, when home from work, could hardly believe my stupidity. Had let laptop completely run out of battery, rendering it stone-dead. Once again have been reminded that computers do not operate according to logical and rational rules. Technology is a mystery of infinite proportions. In any case, unreachable to me. That is why do not have iphone.
Finally have it back! Is amazing how can hardly live without a computer these days. Do not care very much for mobile phone, ipod, ipad, etcetera - but definitely cannot exist without laptop. Was saying to hubby the damn thing is almost brand new! Hubby explained patiently that 2.5 years is about the lifespan of a laptop, and means is no longer brand new.
Oh. Ok then. Typical wasteful consumerist society always at the root of all evil. Designed to be landfill. Nonetheless... need one.
Actually decided to make last minute high-flier dash to Melbourne! Here are some photos from Phillip Island which snapped before camera-battery died.
(pile of garbage)
Saturday, 2 June 2012
Snake of the Day
A few days post previous post, have sheepishly asked hubby to escort muffins to compost bin. Let us draw a line under whole sorry episode.
Today we have proof that snakes do come out in winter:
Today we have proof that snakes do come out in winter:
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