Wednesday 20 June 2012

Stolen List

Going to steal a list from a friend...

You see, the thing is - cannot think of much to write about at the moment (apart, of course, from intriguing tales about my cooking and baking) and know importance of keeping up writing until such time I work out what my novel is going to be about.

I write in English, that is just what I do... Believe it or not, writing in Swedish takes me a lot longer, and keep having to google words. Yes. So have taken the liberty of translating list into English.

Day 1: introduce myself
Day 2: in my handbag
Day 3: nicknames I have and why
Day 4: my house
Day 5: this would have been nice to eat today
Day 6: my blog-name
Day 7: something I regret
Day 8: my favourite birthday
Day 9: my favourite time of year
Day 10: my day
Day 11: this upsets me
Day 12: this makes me cry
Day 13: this makes me feel better
Day 14: favourite superhero
Day 15: 10 deadly sins
Day 16: my bathroom cupboard
Day 17: my family
Day 18: my faith
Day 19: a first
Day 20: something I miss
Day 21: my fears
Day 22: someone I want to swop lives with for a day
Day 23: my favourite book
Day 24: a moment
Day 25: my motto
Day 26: a bad habit
Day 27: my gumboots
Day 28: something I can't live without
Day 29: En bild från en tid jag saknar
Day 30: my dreams

Day 1: introduce myself
Born in 1980 near Stockholm, Sweden.
Moved a lot - which has remained, kind of, my thing. As such, do not have the same closeness to a location that I feel most people have. Home is not somewhere in particular, home is where I am.
Have always been stubborn and difficult. Am still stubborn and difficult, but a hell of a lot nicer.
Used to be fiercely independent - now am slightly more dependent and rely on hubby for things which would never admit to more devoted feminist-values-oriented friends (that is to say, most Swedish friends). Though this, I feel, is an arrangement which works for us. Why would I pay bills when cannot even work out the sum total of 74-16 without a calculator or tell you the price of a litre of milk (do not drink milk, but that is beside the point)? Why would hubby bake chocolate muffins or scrub shower when, indeed, I would have to do it again anyway..?
But fear not. Am also quite lazy, so would never dream of ironing, sewing or mopping floors (unless Christmas).
Have lived in Madrid, Paris, Orlando (Florida), Stockholm, London, Amsterdam, Sydney and finally - Byron Bay. Living in all these places has finally taught me to appreciate all those things typically Swedish that I spent my teenage years trying to escape from. For the first time in ten years, have got Swedish people around me on a daily basis. Like Swedish Neighbour; together we have bizarre Swenglish conversations nobody could follow except us - even her three year old son tends to stick to English when we get started.
At the moment, life is pretty good.


Anonymous said...

Ja, jag har ju alltid undrat varför du skriver på engelska, men nu vet jag! Vet också hur det är att flytta rundor och hela den baletten. Fick en skön väggdekoration av en kompis när vi flyttade till sista huset 'Home is where people who love you live' Precis så känns det. Där man, barn och vänner är - där är hemma!

Anna said...

Hejsan! Ja, den största anledningen till att jag skrev på engelska från början var att jag startade bloggen när vi flyttade från Sydney till London; innan facebook (eller precis i begynnelsen kanske, ingen jag kände hade fb då) - så den var till för att våra vänner och makens familj skulle kunna följa oss. Sen blev det lite si och så med bloggandet, men men... Nu är det också ganska många av makens familj som läser, de flesta från Kanada - fast jag skriver ju på svenska ibland! :-)