Saturday 30 June 2012

Day 9: my favourite time of year (and Tallow winter morning pics)

Summer. Summer, summer, summer.
Preferably a real stinker, rendering everyone else uselessly sprawling across lounges underneath AC-units, panting and begging for mercy.

At the moment we are in winter! Remember my NYE-resolution of walking on beach every day at sunrise? Well. Finally done it! Not exactly sunrise, as such though. But at least was early!

Nice, right?

Until we picked up a piece of plastic.

And another one.

And another.

You can't stop.

This is only about ten minutes worth... on one of the most pristine beaches around. Truly.

Noticed as part of the list that I will write about things that upset me... Well, here is a taste.

Plastic, and other assorted garbage ending up in the ocean! Because people are ignorant, lazy and wasteful. Buying CRAP we do not need, replacing things that are not broken. Littering.

Plastic in oceans kill wildlife and end up inside fish; thus polluting the food-supply of those who still believe it is a good idea to eat fish (sure, there are some health-benefits, though nothing we cannot get from other sources - which are far less detrimental to the earth, and far less toxic).

When was last time you heard about this on the news? Right, me neither. On news this morning (admittedly, channel 7, but still): Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes split. Whaaat..? Let me get notebook.

More to come...

1 comment:

Nadja said...

Det driver mg till vansinne också, allt som slängs i havet och i naturen! Plockar alltid upp sånt jag hittar dock.. I USA finns det papperskogar överallt vilket gör det ännu mer pinsamt att folk inte orkar gå den lilla biten till en jäkla papperskorg och slänga skräpet