Wednesday 12 September 2012

Dramatic Morning in Bangalow

Dog-sitting in Bangalow again - and just had very dramatic morning. Thought worthy of blog, as has been slightly neglected of late.

Anyway, is beautiful morning so had all screen-doors open running in and out watering plants etcetera. Figured would be ok to leave doors open in such a manner as dog-smell surely would repel wildlife.

Suddenly spot huuuuge lizard on verandah. Start to wonder what kind of lizard it might be and also trying to be very still so dogs will not wake up and make a run for the lizard. Then life turns to slowmotion as if in movie. See lizard head for open screen-door. Am thinking NOOOO! but am too far away and in wrong part of house to stop it. It has entered in the kitchen. Slowly I get up and go towards the kitchen to try and chase lizard out before dogs catch wind of anything going on. Plan immediately fails.

You see, any time one heads for the kitchen - dogs follow in vain hope of getting food. I arrive in kitchen closely followed by dogs; who used to be two placid golden retrievers but have now rapidly turned into mad growling bloodhounds. Knowing hubby will kill me if lizard gets injured; grab bloodhounds and shove them into closest room with door - which happens to be the bathroom. Dogs go in bathroom, door closed firmly.

Dogs very confused about their new situation and are barking. But cannot be helped - cannot allow them to devour lizard. Also, cannot swear there are no venomous lizards...

A few anxious minutes follow during which I am chasing lizard with newspaper, trying to convince it to head back outside. Eventually, it does.

Breathe sigh of relief. Close screen-doors. Go to grab dogs which are barking in bathroom.

Open door. Except. Do NOT open door. What the? Try again. Nope. Nothing. Door definitely LOCKED. Think long list of swear-words. How on earth have dogs locked door? Think-think-think.

Window! I get outside the house, through spider-infested back alley - lift screen off window - open window, which - thank god - is unlocked, and climb in through window. Am wearing pyjamas throughout all of this.

Dogs very excited to see me coming through window. We open the doors and exit...

They are still at screen-doors keeping an eye out for the lizard...


Emmy said...

Grattis till lyckat avslut på morgondrama och till att du nu är en äkta Aussie citizen! =)

Anna said...

Japp en äkta aussie! :-)