Tuesday 21 January 2014


Still in Sydney. Watched a doco today about fresh produce and farmers markets in the northern rivers area. Byron Bay! I miss thee! How did we get it into our heads that this was a good idea? To let our beautiful home in favour of living out of a suitcase for almost a year?

Just having one of those days.

Doubting decisions. Feeling out of place. Feeling tired. Wanting to be home and not knowing where home is.

Is this good for bub? Does bub care?

She is refusing to go to sleep again without epic battle first. Hubby feeling defeated by bub. Bub keeps on "winning". That is to say, being picked up, carried, rocked, sung to, played with and bottle fed.

But is it really a competition..?

Is she secretly mad at us for not providing enough stability? Or is she bored and in need of more stimulation?

Where should I send that application for mother-of-the-year?


Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the little one, she has a mom and dad that loves her. All she needs. Babies make a fuss, thats what they do. Hang in there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you! Anna