Friday 3 January 2014

She Sleeps

So when you stop breastfeeding, you should stop consuming 5000 calories a day, apparently. Wish someone told me.

Suddenly good work losing 20 kilos whilst doing nothing but sitting on couch, playing with bub and eating muffins seems undone. In the neighborhood of... don't even want to know! About to stand on sister-in-law's high tech scales which will tell me, not only weight, but bmi.


Had to stop breastfeeding as part of sleep training for bub. Also was desperate, sleep deprived, crying mess. Bub developed habit of staying awake most of night, leisurely feeding. Leisurely for some. After a couple of months of this, had to abandon hippie-style on demand approach in favour of scheduled meals and scheduled bottles.

And she sleeps. She sleeps. All night until 5-6am. She sleeeeeeps.

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