Thursday 8 September 2011

The Exciting Furniture-Assembly Drama, Part 2

Today was second delivery of furniture from - am just going to say it, for everyone to see: Super A-Mart. They picked up damaged shelves, faulty table and one faulty chair. They delivered new shelves, new table and one new chair.
Sum total of today's efforts? One table.

They delivered the wrong box of shelves. Because, obviously, is very difficult to tell "BOX 1" from "BOX 2" - 1 and 2 being right next to each other in the number sequence and all. Fail number one.

Different problem with chair - the holes all there, just not in alignment with each other. Fail number two.

If they had let us keep the old boxes until such time we had assembled all the bits and pieces - we probably would have been OK. Oh but no, such is not the way Super A-Mart does business. Better to chuck everything into a landfill and send us a completely new box. Don't even want to think about what odds are that they will get it right next time. Don't hold your breath!

Hearing Bikram Teacher in back of mind going "You can control your emotions through your breath, you can control your reactions, you can be unaffected by what goes on around you - simply breathe slower, follow your breath and rise above..."

Calm. Calm. Calm!

Is actually very interesting to observe effect of trivial matters on selves. When I take a step back from situation, I can ask: Why get angry? Nothing is going to change. Nobody is going to care. Am only going to make self unhappy. If we could all learn to disregard pointless anger this world would be a better place.


You know what else would make world a much much better place -


Emmy said...

Oh dear, my thoughts are with you! Just keep caaaalm :-)

Anonymous said...

nah, be angry! throw a chair! Kick and scream and scowl :D xo Mrs B

Unknown said...

Maybe the boxes were packed on April 1st.....

DJ Kinski said...

Now if the self-assembly furniture had that Swedish tick of quality attached to it. I'm a whiz with an Allen key and Swedish self assembly instructions.

Anna said...

Thanks everyone for advise... I have some good news, I will post a picture of the finished product today!