Tuesday 27 September 2011


Back from Crazy-Town. Am absolutely exhausted.

Sydney makes me tired now that am country-girl. Can recall life being endless list of things to do in line with:
-get out of bed at ungodly hour such as 4am, hope flatmates not in shower for hours, pray clean clothes miraculously available, hope nobody drunk the last of the milk, hope kitchen gas not on over night (this happened) etc.
-run to train / bus only to find it around 45 minutes late
-arrive at work then run around madly for 8-10 hours (or in case of office role - sit still and go mad on the inside instead)
-go home (or stay out) and invariably consume too many drinks
-prepare nutritious meal of pasta and sauce from a jar (at best!) or some form of take-away
-set alarm for ungodly hour

So my point was - after a weekend or a few days in Sydney, am back to feeling that way. Exhausted.

But am also very pleased to have caught up with the lovely girls; a married woman needs her sanity-breaks. Had very good time over drinks (and food - yes, we are getting older and more mature!) with the girls and naturally everyone getting pissed; falling over on balcony; losing ipods; hiding in bathroom so nobody will notice level of drunkenness - and so on.

Also attended engagement party in Manly over the weekend. Usually enjoy ferry-ride from Circular Quay to Manly - was one of the things used to do to remind me of why I loved Sydney - unfortunately weather gone from a steamy 30 degrees and sun on the Friday to a cold and rainy 13 degrees, so arrived at party resembling drenched cat. Fortunately they provided unlimited Oyster Bay and, hmm, Yellow. Paced ourselves very well and did not do anything outrageous all evening, even made last ferry back to town! Felt very smug.

A very bizarre thing has come to my attention.
Not sure if this has always been happening, and just have not noticed - or is this new twist in unsavoury meat-eating ways?
Pubs seem to advertise cheap, even free, bits of meat on posters featuring... COW!? Surely, when chomping down on piece of steak - you would secretly be pretending that it did not used to be living animal at all, but rather product (somehow) made by supermarkets? Why the picture of the cow? A new dimension of disgusting and strange.

Bit too tired to come up with truly interesting and witty blog-post today. Apologies.


Duktiga Tjejen said...

Fast det är ju bra att veta vad man äter. Hm. Dunno. Känns nästan som en anti-kött reklam. Jag äter inte ko eller gris eller sånt kött...

Anna said...

Tyckte också det var lite anti-kött stuk över det hela - men det lustiga är att så inte är fallet! Folk verkar anse att det är helt normalt. Ja. Man får acceptera helt enkelt!