Thursday 15 September 2011

A Wildlife Post

Sitting down to put something together for my blog today, realise have not done anything interesting in the past couple of days. No matter - as have been meaning to say a few words about the local Wildlife! This is a subject very close to the hearts of Swedish people located in Sweden, particularly if they are considering a trip DownUnder.

Back when I was in college, I agreed to be a contact person for new students from Sweden. They could email me questions and so on and so forth; only ever got one email - and it simply asked "Are there many spiders and snakes in Sydney?" Do not remember what my answer was, but if asked today I would say that we see them about as often as you see moose crossing the road in Sweden. That is to say; yep they are around but mostly we feel pleased when we are so lucky as to spot them!

Wildlife Highlights...

Python Snake - harmless (unless you somehow end up with it around your neck)

Bluetongue Lizard

Green Frog, not sure of scientific name...


Butcher Bird

Kookaburra - this is actually a one-eyed Kookaburra that came and hung out at our place for a whole afternoon, got about a million pictures of it

Kookaburra interacting with Craig

1 comment:

Emmy said...

I love the kookaburras, they are so cute! xo