Tuesday 6 September 2011

Furniture Assembly and a Free Coffee

People always make jokes about how putting furniture together is main reason for divorce in western world.

Am not surprised. Yet , one never learns. One forgets the pain, anguish and general war-zone like conditions within the furniture assembly hell. One thinks - oh well, how bad can it be... - look this is brilliant and cheap am sure they have quality control and come on how hard can it be and yes people always just exaggerate yes it's a great deal let's get it - ... and herein lies one's final mistake.

Have been pissed off in very un-hippie-like way most of yesterday and today. Realise should be able to rise above issues with inanimate items such as tables and chairs, as well as the regrettable incompetence of certain chain furniture-stores. This, however, is proving harder than expected.

So... End result of purchasing table, two chairs and set of shelves you ask? ONE measly chair. Rest of it either damaged or otherwise impossible to assemble due to wholes missing or being out of alignment. No, not because hubby and I are stupid. We are very intelligent and very patient when it comes to... er...
Anyway, the stuff was useless.

Speaking of being pissed off - was recounting tale of annoying tailgating* bastards on road and my ensuing road rage to my friend Louise the other week; she concluded that for someone who aspires to become enlightened, serene; a hippie if you will - I have a very long way to go. Her way of dealing with situations such as that (as opposed to holding up middle finger, throwing self on brake and risking own life) would be to, well, not notice it. And if she did she would say "Chill out man, take it easy," and perhaps tap the breaks lightly in a friendly reminder to keep the distance.

After we assembled the ONE chair, decided to reward selves with coffee - had found voucher for a free one at a cafe in town. This was very good news, as our motto is "A free coffee is a free coffee." This means we must never turn down an offer of a free cup, which usually works out great and has thus far only backfired once. In LA. Happened to be walking past a Subway doing some sort of ridiculous promotion for their new (revolting) bacon & egg breakfast rolls. As we generally disapprove of junkfood, would never have gotten the idea to enter (let alone consume anything from) a Subway. The promotion, however, was free cups of coffee... One glance at each other and it was decided - had to enter, had to grab free coffee and run - were in LA after all, was an adventure.
Unfortunately turned out to be worst cup of coffee ever tasted in entire life. Do not like to waste food or drink, but both cups ended up in bin within two minutes...

Finally today, decided to do something about my anger issues. Who can be angry when you can take an evening stroll at Belongil:

Belongil Creek...


*"Tailgating is the practice of driving on a road too close to the vehicle in front, at a distance which does not guarantee that stopping to avoid collision is possible."
- Wikipedia


Emmy said...

Sounds like quite the project:-) too bad about the coffee, I you pop around here I'll serve a fresh brew of zoegas!

Smugglosmurf said...

Älskar att läsa din blogg! Det äckligaste kaffe jag någonsin blivit serverad var i Hyde Park i London. Killen hällde upp lite vanligt kaffe i botten på koppen och fyllde sedan på med varmt vatten. Vedervärdigt, I tell you! Givetvis finns det fotobevis från den beklagliga incidenten med en tydlig tumme ner och en tunga utsträckt i motvilja.

Boel i Sydney said...

Haha ja man kan undra hur manga forhallabde break-ups Ikea ar ansvarig for;)