Wednesday 1 February 2012

The Commodore

Loving the Commodore at the moment. We have become friends.

Back when was still terrified of driving, used to try to imagine that car was safezone - while remaining inside car nothing could possibly go wrong. This never worked, until NOW!

Am not saying that I would drive through Sydney. Or, for that matter, Brisbane. But am not getting bogged down with details. Am just pleased to be able to get round the Northern Rivers without needing psychotherapy afterwards.

Today for example. Had very important matters to attend to, so booked Commodore for the day (that is to say, I let hubby know that if he wished to go to work he would have to cycle).

Very Important Matter #1: Lunch with Louise in Causarina (north of Pottsville, so very far away).

Very Important Matter #2: Facial.

But enough about my day.

Close enough!

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