Sunday 5 February 2012

Artwork and an Empty Screen

New Artwork for office (as you know I very much like art):

Lovely piece. Just have to hang it and it will be prefect.
Did not make it - no, have found that am nowhere near as arty and creative as had initially assumed - it was a gift.

Office pretty much complete.

Except for office chair and a desk-light, still need those. Other than that - is all ready to go. Get going. Get creative. Write.

Only - about what?

Always used to feel that had lots to say and had it in me to be a creative writer - if only it wasn't for... (insert: school, uni, work, too busy, nowhere to live, London not being a creative environment, Sydney not being a creative environment, no laptop and so on).

So here we are now. Just me and the lappie.

And an empty screen.

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